Past & Present Collide

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Hey guys, I seriously hope your week is going better than mine. I've had so much damn stress this week and it's only Wednesday. FML

Anyway, here is the next chapter, hopefully you guys will enjoy it. I also wanted to let you know, that this book won't be very long. I'm not sure yet about how many chapters I am going to do, but I don't want to drag it on and on with too many plots and twists. This book is meant to show trust, and strength of character. You guys know me, I love strong souls. xxx

Kayden's POV

The weekend went past way too fast for my liking, and here I was, facing Monday morning and my first class of the day was with Professor Rodriguez. How the hell was I supposed to face the man, when all I can see is his body, covered in nothing but tight leather pants and his black boots. His muscular chest on full display...and I needed to stop that thought right there. That is all I've been doing this entire weekend, drooling over the man and yet I can barely get a simple greeting out when I was faced with him. 

I shook the thoughts away and made my way to the bench where I usually waited for Maxie. I had avoided him the entire weekend, because I knew he wouldn't shut up about what had happened Friday night or about our teacher. Needless to say, that didn't stop him from sending me constant texts or trying to call. I spotted him almost as soon as I sat down and he had a huge grin on his face. That smile could only mean one thing, TROUBLE. Maxie was up to something and any fool would be able to spot it a mile away. 

I stood and when he reached me, we went to our English class together. "Soooo, are you looking forward to Daddy Delicious' class as much as I am?" he asked, his hands behind his back, trying to look as innocent as possible. The only problem was that Maxie couldn't pull off innocent, even if his life depended on it. The constant glint of mischief in his dark eyes was like a neon sign above his head. He was sweet, mischievous, sharp tongued, loyal to a fault and absolutely gorgeous, but Innocent was the one thing he was not. I just scoffed and tried to hide my face as I replied, "You need to seriously stop calling him that, it's called sexual harassment and can get you kicked out of this College, Maxie. And no, I'm actually not looking forward to class today. He saw us there, it's so embarrassing." 

"Um, you do realise he can't judge us for being there, right? I mean, he was there too and did you see what he was wearing? That means he is probably a member at that club, which in turn means he is a Dom, Kayden." Maxie said, quite loudly I might add, so I sushed him as we got to the door of our class. Just as we were going to open the door to step inside, a deep voice piped up from directly behind us, "Yes, I am a Dom, Maximillion, but is there any chance of us keeping that information between us? I really don't think the School Directors would appreciate having someone like me, teaching the students of this school. I feel no embarrassment  for who I am, but not everybody is going to be understanding or even tolerant of who and what I am." 

Maxie and I both jumped and squealed like girls and then turned around to face Professor Rodriguez, probably looking extremely guilty. As soon as I made eye contact with the man though, I had to drop my gaze to my hands. I can't deal with the powerful aura that rolled off his body in waves. "Sorry Professor Rodriguez, but I was just trying to make a point to Kayden. We won't tell anyone about it, we promise. But is there any way we can speak to you more about the subject in private? I'm very interested in the lifestyle, but I would like to know more about it, before committing to it." Maxie told him, managing to sound both contrite as well as genuinely interested in talking to the Professor further. My breathing was starting to speed up and I was feeling very nervous, because of the proximity of the big guy, but I tried my best to calm down and ignore his presence, but it wasn't working very well.

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