Train me Master

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Hey guys. Hope you all had an awesome weekend. This chapter is going to be mostly fluff and cuteness, just for some warm and fuzzy feelings, before shit hits the fan in the next one. Hope you enjoy xxx

Kayden's POV

It's been about two weeks since Maxie and I went to club with Leo, and my nerves were still on edge. I kept thinking that Rodney was going to pop up again and I didn't know how to deal with it all. After days of Maxie bitching and Leo pushing me, I eventually agreed that it was time to phone Moira, my adoptive mother, to let her know what was going on. I knew she had made sure that case stayed open, even if she was no longer working on it, as she was deemed too close to it emotionally. She just got some of her friends on the force to work on it for her and they kept her updated if they found anything.

So right now I was sitting on my bed, with my phone in my hand, trying to build up the courage to actually phone her. As I sat contemplating what to say to her, or even how to bring it up, my mind wondered to Leo. I didn't know how he did it, but he was slowly starting to break through my barriers one by one. I still got nervous and tense if he touched me too suddenly, but I would relax almost immediately, instead of running in the opposite direction as I would have done almost a month ago. His touch relaxed me like no other and for some strange reason it made me feel safe and secure, something I hadn't felt in the longest time. I have also started therapy sessions last week with a woman he had recommended and although the first two sessions felt weird as hell and went by with me sweating, shaking and hardly uttering a word, she had managed to slowly get me to relax bit by bit. 

I was starting to see now that I should have done this years ago, like Moira had asked me to, instead of letting all these feeling fester inside of me. But as they say, better late, than never and I was now finally getting the help I needed. I had a session with Dr Raynes yesterday and I don't know what came over me, but I blurted out to her that I was starting to develop a fascination for the BDSM lifestyle. Instead of judging me though, she had just smiled at me kindly and then told me that she feels like submission might actually help me to let go of all my fears. She believes that by letting go and trusting someone else to carry my burdens, that I will eventually become stronger within myself. So we had a long discussion about it and I am thinking of asking Leo if he would be willing to train me as a submissive. I didn't know if he would want to keep me on afterwards, but if he agreed to training me, then that would be enough for me. Even if I honestly couldn't see myself submitting to anyone else but him.

I was brought out of my thoughts, by Maxie who came into my room, practically skipping and floating on air. He flopped down on my bed next to me with a happy sigh and I stopped myself from scooting away from him. "Why are you in such a good mood today?" I asked, even though I could guess the answer. All Maxie could talk about the past two weeks was Dean. The big Dom seems to have made quite the impression on my friend and I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped as he let out a little squeal of happiness, "Dean phoned and he asked if I would like to have dinner with him tomorrow night, then afterwards he asked if I wanted to join him at the club for a few drinks. Apparently he wants to talk to me about something and I'm so hoping it about training me to be his, but I'm not going to get my hopes up just yet." Maxie rambled all of that out on what sounded like one breath and I actually felt breathless for his sake. But I was also happy for him. 

Maxie thought he hid his loneliness so well, but not well enough. I had noticed the sadness in his eyes when he saw parents dropping their kids off on campus, or when he looked at couples walking hand in hand. I had also heard the bitterness in his voice when he spoke about his parents and how busy they always were. From what I had gathered, Maxie had grown up with a string of nannies and almost no contact with his parents, which became even worse after he came out to them as gay. They were never there for him, yet they felt like they had a right to say who he can and can't date, which makes me very angry for his sake. He seems to take it all in his stride though, but I knew it still hurt him and I really hope that Master Dean wasn't going to use him and discard him, because Maxie deserved all the love he could get.

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