Starting over

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Hey guys. Hope you are all still enjoying this book. So sorry I haven't been able to update earlier. Here is the next chapter, enjoy xxx

Leo's POV

Kayden wasn't in class today and I was getting worried. I had managed to get more details on this Rodney guy and what I have found out, has me very worried for Kayden's safety. All my protective instincts were on red alert and pushing me to make sure my baby was ok.

I have gotten to the point now that I would do anything to keep him safe, even if it means losing my job at the college. I had more than enough money to keep me going for a very, very long time if it came to that and the club was really starting to make good money. So yes, I have come to the conclusion that I want that sweet boy to be mine, and he was worth losing this job over.

I saw Maxie sitting in the back of the class, where he usually sat, along with Kayden, but he wasn't his usual bubbly self. He was very quiet and was barely paying attention to anything around him. Even the occasional moron that tried to call him mean names, didn't get the reaction that it usually would. The guys that were trying to bully him, kept giving him odd looks, as they were all used to his sassy comebacks and I think they actually did it deliberately to see what he would come up with next.

I brought the class to an end and as the students were about to leave I asked Max to stay behind, because I needed to see if he knew anything about Kayden's whereabouts and why he wasn't in class today.

Maxie packed his stuff and came down to my desk. I waited for the class to empty before saying anything. "Morning Maxie, I'm sorry to delay you, but I need to know if you have heard anything from Kayden. I did some digging last night and I'm really worried about his safety with that monster on the loose." I said. Maxie gave me a puzzled look, "I haven't seen him, but I knocked on his door, this morning to see if he was okay. He didn't open the door, just said he was okay and that he was skipping today." He said.

"You went all the way to his apartment this morning?" I asked, puzzled now as well. I mean I knew they were close, but I didn't realise that Maxie would go all the way off campus to see if Kayden was okay. "Oh no, Kayden and I share an apartment and if you are wondering why Kayden is always waiting for me before class, then it's either because I had a different class before this that we don't share or Kayden needed to go to the library before class and he left earlier than me." He said, smiling at me.

"Oh okay, so he seemed fine this morning?" I asked again, wanting to make sure he was safe and fine. "Yeah, but why are you so interested in his wellbeing. I mean, he is only your student after all." He said, now with a full on smirk on his lips. "First off, I worry about all my students, second, Kayden is very special to me." I answered him, hoping he could see the sincerity in my face.

"How special?" He asked. "Special enough for me to be willing to give up everything to make sure he is safe and to make him mine" I answered sincerely. He eyed me silently for a few minutes, then gave me a huge smile. "I think you might be exactly what he needs. Someone to help him build trust again and help him feel safe. If you want, I can meet you after school and you can come with me. Maybe Kayden will be willing to see either of us by then." He stated, and honestly, I wasn't going to say no. I would do anything to see for myself that he was okay.

"Deal, meet me in the parking in front of the administration building at three thirty." He agreed and left to go to his next class. I had about an hour before my next class so I spent that time trying to find out if my friend had made any headway in finding out the whereabouts of Rodney. Just the thought of the name made me feel sick to my stomach. Kayden had been through so much from such a young age, and there was no way in hell I would ever allow anyone to hurt him ever again, not as long as I could prevent it.

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