I See You

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Hey guys. Hope you aren't too upset with me for not updating last week. Work is so hectic right now, so I'm battling to find the time to write as well. But I'm going to try my best to keep my updates as regular as possible. 

At the top is what I imagine Maxie looks like. What do you guys think?

Leo's POV

I can honestly say I have never felt as nervous as I felt right now and I was pacing up and down, waiting for Kayden to get here. Today, we were going to make a start on his training into Submission. Deep down I was absolutely sure that it will help him with his anxiety, his fears as well as his trust issues. The way things were going right now, wasn't very healthy for him. No one can go through life completely isolating themselves the way he has been doing and will probably carry on doing if he didn't get help for it.

He had already taken the major step of agreeing to Therapy, and I knew the perfect person to help him with it. Lana was one of the best Therapists in town, but she was also the sweetest and most understanding person I knew. She also happens to be a Sub at my club and she belonged to another friend of mine, Connor. The little pixie was as mischievous as can be, but perfect for what Kayden needed right now.

That was one of the things I was going to discuss with him today, the other thing I wanted to discuss was Rodney. We still didn't know exactly where he was currently hiding, but we had discovered some disturbing things when we questioned a few people he seemed to have had run-ins with. 

I was just about to check the time on my phone, when there was a knock on the door and my heart rate sped up with excitement. I don't know why this boy affects me the way he does, but I have no problem in seeing where it leads. 

I quickly made my way to the door and opened it, revealing a very nervous looking Kayden and a grinning Maxie. So much for getting to spend some time alone with my boy today. I made sure the disappointment didn't show on my face and smiled, motioning for the two boys to come inside. 'Welcome to my home boys. You can go through to the lounge and make yourselves comfortable, and I'll be with you in a minute. Do you want anything to drink?" I asked them, while ushering them towards the lounge area. They looked around wide-eyed at everything around me, and I felt pride in my home beating through me. I have worked very hard to be where I am today, and I loved seeing other people appreciate the beauty of my home. 

"I'll just have a water please." Kayden's sweet voice responded, causing me to automatically smile at him. Maxie agreed to the same so I went to the kitchen and took three waters out the fridge. As I turned towards the doorway to head back to the lounge, I suddenly got an idea and I couldn't help smiling from ear to ear. I quickly put the waters down on the marble counter and pulled my phone out my pocket. I selected the number I was looking for and pushed call. It only rang twice, before Dean's voice could be heard on the other side of the line. "What do you want? I was fucking sleeping." he grouched and I just grinned wider. He was always very grumpy when he was woken up. "I have a visitor that I thought you might want to see again." I told him, smirking at the quick indrawn breath on the other end of the line.

"I'll be there in half an hour." he said, before cutting the call. Well, this should get interesting, I thought to myself as I made my way to the lounge with the waters. Maxie looked very relaxed and comfortable, whereas Kayden sat tensely right on the edge on the seat. I went to sit next to him, but he tensed even more, so I looked at Maxie, wanting an explanation, but he just shrugged, looking just as worried. "Are you okay Kayden?" I asked softly, so as not to startle him. He slowly turned to me, and the fear I could see in his face, broke my heart. I held my arms open, hoping he would accept the comfort I was offering.

It took him a minute, but he slowly started inching his way closer to me, till eventually he was within my arms, so I just gently wrapped my arms around him. He was stiff as a board at first, but then I could feel his body gradually relaxing and his breathing even out. So I sat back and pulled him closer, drawing slow, lazy circles over his back, relaxing him even further. "Are you feeling better, little One?" I whispered into his ear, and I could feel the shudder running through his body. I felt happy, knowing that I did have some kind of effect on him, but I wasn't going to tease him about it. Right now, this fragile young man, needed me to be his support system and his lifeline. He needed to know that he could always count on me and that he will always be safe with me. 

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