Best decision ever!

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Hey guys, I'm really, really sorry for not updating last week. I just got so busy, that I lost track of time. This is just a bit of a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoy it. I also wanted you guys to know that you are all keeping me sane right now. My life is a bit of a mess, but writing these chapters are my escape from it all and your comments keep me smiling and makes me feel so much better about where my life is headed. Love you all.

There will be slight naughtiness in the beginning of this chapter, but not too much. Enjoy.

Kayden's POV

I woke up to the most pleasurable feeling I have ever felt. I had no idea what was happening, and my brain seemed to be having a hard time waking up as well, but when I finally opened my eyes, I immediately looked down. 

There, between my legs, was Leo, his hands holding my thighs apart and his warm, wet mouth was wrapped around my shaft. For some reason I wasn't freaking out, even though I knew that I normally would have. 

"Ngh..." I moaned, the pleasure bubbling up and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I went to grab his hair as he sucked harder, but found I couldn't move my hands. My eyes instantly shot up to see why and I did feel a moment of panic. But just as quickly as it came, it went again. The only tension left in my body was from the mind numbing pleasure that Leo was giving me. 

My wrists were cuffed and the cuffs were attached to lengths of chain and those, in turn, were attached to the bars on the headboard. I couldn't believe it. Here I was, restrained, something sexual being done to me, but I wasn't panicking or feeling even a lick of fear. I think it had something to do with me giving myself over to trusting Leo the way I did.

My back arched off the bed as he gently rolled my balls in his left hand, while his right was still keeping my legs apart. I bit my lip, trying to contain the sounds wanting to pour out of my mouth, but Leo saw what I was doing and decided he wasn't having any of that. He squeezed my balls, but not too hard and sucked my length even harder, causing me to gasp and let out a loud moan. 

"O God, o God...M-M-Master, pl-please..." I gasped, needing to cum so badly, and Leo let go of my dick, but only long enough to say, "Cum, for me, sweet boy" and went right back to sucking me off. The instant relief I felt as my cock exploded was very short-lived, however, because when I did release, I shot up in bed, waking up from my dream, only to find the star of my dream, sitting on the bed, watching me intently.

I felt my face heat up to nuclear proportions and hoping I didn't say anything out loud while I was dreaming, but if I had to judge from the smirk on his lips and the pleased glint in his eye, then I probably did. 

I ducked under the comforter, to hide my madly blushing face, when I felt him move. He pulled the comforter from my protesting fingers, and ran his fingers through my hair, brushing the strands out of my face. "Oh sweet boy, how I wish I could have seen what you just dreamed about."He purred, his face above mine, not getting any closer, but close enough for me to see his eyes darken in lust. But all he did, was place a soft kiss on my lips, before moving back, giving me space to sit up. 

"Never, ever feel ashamed of your body, your dreams or your reactions towards me, luv. Everything we do between us, is natural and you have nothing to be ashamed about." he murmured, making me feel a bit better, but my face still feels heated. I can't believe I dreamt of something like that. It was almost like my libido was making up for all the years it was MIA. 

I wasn't even going to ask him what I had said, so I just snuggled closer to him, till he wrapped me up in his big strong arms and I felt my body relaxing. 

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