Safe with you.

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Hey guys, I know I was supposed to update on Friday, but I got side-tracked with some bad news and my heart was just not in it. Anyway, hope you enjoy the update, and thank you all for the 16k reads.

Kayden's POV

I slowly wake up and look at the unfamiliar pale grey walls of the room I am in. I try to remember what happened and it all slowly starts coming back to me. Leo brought me home from the hospital, but he must have put me in what seemed to be his bedroom, instead of mine. The room was a lot darker and more masculine than mine with the pale grey walls and the red, black and grey bedding and furniture. My room at Leo's house was far more cheerful with its blue and yellow colours, but I really liked this as well. 

I try to sit up, but wince at the pain in my side. The Dr said it will still be a while before I was back to normal and that I should take things slowly, but right now I needed to pee quite urgently, so I decided to try getting up myself. I hadn't even managed to get my feet off the bed yet, before the door opened and Leo stood in the doorway, frowning in disapproval.

"Just what do you think you are doing, love?" he asks as he strides across the bedroom floor towards me. I always get fascinated by the way he moves, like a predator, stalking it's prey, but so graceful at the same time. He truly is beautiful. I blush bright red at my thoughts and quickly look down at my lap.

"U-um, I-I need t-to use the t-toilet." I stuttered out, wishing for once I could say something properly without my stupid stutter. I feel his fingers running through my hair, calming me down a bit and causing me to lean into his gentle touch. He tilts my face up to his and he smiles down at me, "Then let's go sweetheart." he says, causing me a moment of shock. Did this mean he was going to go into the bathroom with me? I wondered. 

I was instantly given an answer when he scooped me up into his arms and started towards the bathroom door.  My face flamed even more red, and I tried my best to calm down my racing heart but he must have noticed my agitation, "Shh sweetheart, I'm only taking you as far as the toilet, then I will leave to give you your privacy, but you have to call me as soon as you are done. I really don't want you straining yourself, little one." he chuckles out soothingly. 

I instantly feel more calm and let him put me down next to the toilet. He turns and walks out, partially closing the door, but not all the way. I sigh and do my business, before pulling my pants back up and calling out to him. He comes walking back in and scoops me up, taking me to wash my hands. I look up into the mirror and cringe. My hair was sticking up everywhere and I was really pale, with black bags under my eyes. Leo must have picked up on my thoughts, because he kissed my temple and released a low rumbling chuckle. "You are still the most beautiful boy I have ever laid my eyes on, love."

I look at him like he had lost his mind, causing him to laugh more, before huffing at him. I pout and cross my arms over my chest, "You are so fucking adorable."he says, smiling and kissing my temple again, before he took me back to his bed. 

He was trying his best to not hurt me and put me down as gentle as possible, but I still winced when he laid me down, the stitches in my side pulling a bit. He caught it and his eyes instantly filled with regret and guilt. "I-It's okay, it j-just pulled a b-bit." I try to reassure him and it seems to help, even if it's just a little bit.

Once he has me situated in his bed comfortably, he sits down next to me. "We have some things to discuss sweetheart, do you feel well enough to do so now?" Leo asks, looking over my face for any signs that I am either too tired or in too much pain right now. I slowly nod my head and he takes a deep breath, like I'm not going to like what he has to say and he is nervous. 

"Dean and I were talking earlier, while you were napping. We both feel that it would be better if you and Maxie would do your college courses online for now, just till we can catch Rodney. I don't feel comfortable with you going to campus, he already got you there once and we might not be as lucky as we were next time." I look down at my hands to hide my smile. It seems almost like Leo thought I would be angry or something if he asked me to do this, but the complete opposite was true. 

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