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Hey guys, I'm baaaaack!!!! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, but I was in hospital and then I needed some time for recovery and to relax a bit. So much has been going on the past two weeks, it's actually unbelievable that I am still sane. Anyway, here's your next chapter, enjoy!!!

Leo's POV

I've been floating in a black swirl of nothingness, only catching small sounds now and then, voices mumbling in the background. Once or twice I even felt a fleeting touch on my hand or face, but before I could reach out to whoever was doing it, I would be sucked back into the black vortex.

This time though, I was determined not to get sucked under again. I wanted to see my baby's face, his sweet but shy smile. So when I felt myself being pushed to more awareness again, I pushed as well. 

Eventually I was able to open my eyes, but unfortunately with awareness, came the excruciating pain in my chest. I gasped at the pain and lay there with my eyes closed for a few minutes, till the pain subsided a bit, before I opened my eyes again. I was in a private hospital room, but I couldn't see my baby anywhere. He would have been here with me, I know he would, so why wasn't he?

Oh God, what if Rodney got to him while I was lying here, useless. The thoughts start running through my head as I lie there contemplating my next step. First I need to call Dean, see if Kayden was maybe with them, so I reach over to the bedside cabinet for my phone, only to see it isn't there. 

Fuck, where the fuck is the stupid thing when you actually fucking need it? My mind was racing and I was getting more and more pissed off at my useless state. I needed to get hold of someone right the fuck now! I needed to know my baby was safe. I had promised him I would keep him safe.

I tried getting up out of bed, but the sharp pain that went through my chest at the movement, had me gasping for air and quickly lying back down again. In frustration I swiped my arm across the bedside cabinet, sending the water bottle and glass there, flying across the room. I didn't give a fuck though, I wanted my baby right fucking NOW.

I was still seething and looking for something else to throw, when the door burst open and the first one through the door was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen in my life. I immediately noticed something different about him though. The first thing was the huge smile on his face, I've never seen such a beautiful and open smile on my baby's face. 

I had just opened my mouth to ask where he had been, when I found my arms full of a squirming, sobbing boy, so I closed my mouth and just held Kayden close, comforting him as best I could, while trying to ignore the pain it was causing in my chest.

"It's okay baby boy, I'm okay. Shh baby, I'm right here" I whispered soothingly, trying to calm him down. I tried to move so I'm a bit more comfortable, while still holding onto Kayden, but I winced in pain and he quickly shot up and out of my arms.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Leo, I didn't mean to hurt you." He blurted out, looking upset and flustered. 

"It's okay baby, why don't you come lie on the other side of me?" I asked and he happily obliged, walking around the bed to the other side and gently climbing up, before snuggling into my good side. "Much better, don't you think baby boy?" I asked, pulling him further into my side.

Kayden hummed in agreement, before resting his head on my shoulder. Finally I looked up at who else was in the room. It was Moira, Kayden's mom and she just stood there, beaming at her son. Something had definitely happened tonight and I was about to find out what, somehow I didn't think I was going to like it very much.

"Hello Moira, how have you been?" I asked politely. Moira looked at me and her smile got even bigger, before she stepped closer to the bed. She leaned down and gave me a light kiss on my forehead, before standing back up again.

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