Baby Boy

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Hey guys, now that I am finally done with writing my other story, The Prophecy, I can finally concentrate fully on completing this story. There is maybe about five or six chapters left in this story, then I will be taking a week break, before staring two new stories. The one will be called To Be A King, then the other will be the sequel to this story. But it isn't time yet to reveal who it will be about or what the name will be ,lol. You will have to wait for after the Epilogue for that. Anyway, you aren't here to listen to me rambling, so on with the show. Hope it comes out alright.

Leo's POV

As soon as I got home, I called out for my baby, but I didn't get any reply, but instead of panicking, I go looking for him. Maybe he fell asleep and didn't hear me come home. The first place I looked was the lounge, but he wasn't there and neither was any of his usual things.

So I went to the dining room, thinking that maybe Eileen is either there or in the kitchen and I can just ask her where he has gone to. But as I rounded the corner and stepped into the dining room, I felt like my heart stopped. There stood my love, wearing my robe and I really wished I could see what he had on underneath, if anything at all.

I was very shocked at first, but then came pride, love and the biggest of all, lust. I went from soft to hard so fucking fast, my head was spinning and I felt dizzy for a moment. I REALLY wanted to know what was under that robe and what this was all about.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of coming home to this surprise baby?" I asked, deliberately letting my voice lower into a purr, as I took a few steps closer to him. He just smiled and then took a step away from me, really making me wonder what was going on. 

"I just w-wanted to say t-thank you for everything you have d-done for me, your constant s-support and m-most of all, I wanted to show you j-just how much I l-love you and how m-much you mean t-to me." he stuttered out, but it wasn't as bad as it usually was and that made me so damn proud of him.

I told him that I already knew he loved me, but that it was still a beautiful surprise and I thanked him for it, before taking off my suit jacket and loosening my tie. He told me to sit, which I did and he served my dinner, and we just chatted about our day and other random topics. I did ask him again what this was all about, but once again he just insisted that he wanted to show me how much he loved me and how grateful he was, so he decided to do something special for me. But the best part was that he said that all without a single stutter. That meant that whatever he had planned, wasn't causing him any anxiety. He was completely relaxed and comfortable. But none of that explained him wearing the robe to dinner, and I told him that. I really was dying to see what was under there.

My little brat actually smiled a cheeky little smile at me and told me that I would have to wait and see after dinner and dessert.

We just chatted on while we were eating and he also told me that Maxie came to visit, causing me to wonder if Dean's naughty baby was the reason for our current situation? We finally finished dinner and dessert, which was a delicious strawberry cheesecake and he placed all the dishes on the trolley and took it back to the kitchen. I hoped he wasn't planning on still doing the dishes, Eileen would have his head if he did. That was her domain and she was extremely territorial.

He quickly came back out, looking a bit nervous again, peaking my curiosity as to what he had planned. "P-please go t-take a shower and w-wear what h-has been s-set out on th-the bed and th-then come and f-find me." he stuttered through his instructions, blushing cutely to the tips of his ears, causing me to grin and him to hurry out to the lounge.

I decided to do as he asked and went upstair, where my breath stuttered to a halt when I saw what he had laid out on the bed for me to wear. It was one of my black leather pants that I wore to the club, my favourite pair, to be exact.

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