You're Home

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Hey guys, my updating is a bit messed up again, but I had a very sick toddler to deal with this week and that threw everything out. But she is feeling much better now, so I can get back to updating. I really appreciate everyone that has taken a chance on this book and has shown me so much love. You guys are awesome.

Leo's POV

Finally!! Kayden has been given the all clear to go home today, so I was busy making sure all his things were packed up and then I helped him get dressed. All we had to do now, was wait for the nurse to bring a wheelchair to take him down to the entrance. 

We were both sitting on the bed, him between my legs as I held him in my arms. I can't believe how relaxed he has become with me over the last few weeks. Usually he would tense up and almost start hyperventilating. now, though, he just sat calm and relaxed, playing with my fingers. 

We had spoken about a lot of things over the last few days while he had been stuck in the hospital. The main topic though, was his submissive training. He was more determined than ever to become my sub and I couldn't be any prouder of him than what I already was. 

To me this boy was the epitome of strength and courage, even if he couldn't see it himself. He had been through such a horrific ordeal, yet he wasn't letting it get in his way. We both knew that he would struggle with certain aspects of the BDSM lifestyle, but I was also sure that we could work around those. Take gags for instance. He had a terrible experience with them, so we can just leave those out, or slowly work them in. It was entirely up to him. 

As soon as he was fully healed, we were going to start up his training again and when I feel like he is ready, then we can start pushing boundaries and see how it all goes. 

We had been sitting like this for a while already, each of us lost in our own thoughts, when Nurse Eliza came bustling into the room. This woman had been such a blessing in the past few days. She always managed to get a small smile out of Kayden, no matter how down he was feeling. "Good morning Bunny. Ready to finally go home?" she asked Kayden as she pushed the wheelchair to the bed. Kayden's eyes lit up with happiness, "Yes Ma'am." he said happily. 

"Well, don't just sit there like a lump, help the poor boy into this chair so he can finally go home." She scolded me and I just did as she told me. I lifted Kayden's small body into my arms, and gently lowered him down into the chair. I straightened up and looked at the sweet woman who had taken such good care of my boy the past few days and smiled at her. "I wanted to thank you for everything you have done the last few days Eliza. You had gone out of your way to make Kayden feel at ease and comfortable and for that, I can not thank you enough." I told her sincerely. Nurses really don't get enough credit for the hard work and shitty hours they put in. Everyone always praises the doctors, but the Nurses work just as hard, if not harder. 

A light blush spread over Eliza's cheeks as she looked at me in shock. Then she seemed to gather herself and she scoffed, "Get out of here and you are pushing his chair, I'm far too old for that." Kayden giggled from his chair and I just smiled at her gruff words, knowing she was hiding her embarrassment, which was confirmed by her next whispered words. "Damned idiot, making old ladies blush like that. Should be ashamed of himself." She carried on grumbling under her breath till we reached the elevators. 

When we reached the ground floor, she walked with us to the doors. "You better take good care of my Bunny now, you hear. If I see him back here, I will shove an enema kit so far up your ass, not even an x-ray will be able to pick it up, do you understand me." She said and I gulped down my nerves. This woman might be small compared to me, but she made me feel like a scolded child, by the time she was done. "I will do everything in my power to make sure he stays safe Eliza, I promise you that." 

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