Chapter 16

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-Scott's POV-

We walk into Allison's room, she starts pacing angrily back and forth. I sit on her bed.

"Allison, I'm sorry the bite didn't work on you, but you were just so eager to turn.. you don't even know what happens.. what can happen. Right when she asked you, you accepted it right away-"

"Yes, Scott, I know what happened. I was there. Why do you care if i became a supernatural creature?"

"I just don't want you to suffer and endure what I had to. It's not exactly a giant thrill, Allison. It hurts, every full moon, I have to be locked up, so I don't hurt anyone. You're afraid to tell anyone, because they'll think you're a monster."

I noticed my voice cracked when the word 'monster' uttered from my mouth. Allison walked over to me and sat on the bed with me. 

"Scott.... Is that how you see yourself? A monster?"

"Well.. I used to. Then, I learned how to control it, and use my powers for the better. But my point being, it's not something a lot of people would want. I know it seems like it, all the cheesy movies, and the way it looks, but it's not hollywood exciting. It's a world of suffering, and constantly being cautious. Aware. Always feeling the need to protect someone."

"Well, isn't that a good thing?"

"Well... yes, Allison, it is. I like protecting people. Especially my friends."

"Then.. ugh I'm still having a hard time grasping what the actual problem is."

"Because Allison!"

Realizing I yelled right after I ended saying her name, I instantly felt bad. She stared at the floor, not looking up.

"Allison, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell, I love you.. and i just care about you.. It makes me scared, because if the bite worked.. I wouldn't want you to go through what I did."

"Scott, it's okay.. I understand. I love you, okay? I know you care about me.. I do, and i truly appreciate it, but you also know I can take care of myself."

I look into her eyes, and cup her left cheek with my hand.

"I know you can, Allison. I know.. I'm just being protective is all."

"Thank you, Scott. It means a lot. But... If I somehow found another way to be turned.. would you be mad at me?"

"Of course not, Allison.. I wouldn't be mad.. I would do whatever it takes to protect you.. I'd have you join the pack, and I'd help try and train you.. because I love you, and that's what we do. We protect our own."

"Aww.. Thanks Scott.. I love you so much.. Hey, I'll be right back."


-Allison's POV-

I walk into Aunt Kate's room.

"Hey Kate, where's Mom and Dad?

"They're out of town for a few days, why?"

"You don't mind if Scott stays the night, over these couple of days, do you?"

"Of course not, have fun. But, any uh, special activities are for when I'm not around. And be safe. Deal?"

"Deal, Thanks Aunt Kate!"

I hug my aunt, and leave her room.

"Hey Scott, Kate says you can stay these next few nights, if you'd like. My parents are out of town. Probably on a hunting trip."

I watch his face cringe when I say the the word hunting. 

"Yeah, I'd love to. I miss cuddling with you, and having my arms around you."

"Aww. I always feel protected when I'm in your arms, Scott."

"I'm glad. In fact, I'm getting tired, did you wanna cuddle and then fall asleep?"

"Yea, that sounds great."

Allison climbs on the bed, and we cuddle.

"I love you, Allison. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Scott. I love you too."

We both eventually fall asleep.

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