Chapter 5

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Maybe that was cute for the moment, but now i regret it. As Allison and I walk down the stairs, I purposely walk behind her. There at the bottom of the staircase, i see what looks like her Mom and Dad, and her Aunt. Their is something off about her Aunt. She gives off this weird vibe i don't know how to explain it properly. Agh. It's probably nothing.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs..-"

"Allison Argent! What are you doing home alone with a boy!?" I heard her Mother yell,

"Oh, Mom, i'm sorry we just met today, his name is Scott and we were just hanging out.."

"Without any kind of supervision? Have you not met your own parents? Did you really think having a boy  home alone without anybody home would be grounds for no punishment?

"Mom, i'm sorry..."

"Oh you better be sorry this isn't even the whole punishment. I have plenty of things i can give you!"

I hear her Father intervene.


"There's- erm, what?"

"You need to relax. I know this is definitely not okay, but neither is yelling in front of the boy that she is hanging out with. I'm positive nothing happened, with Allison claiming they just met today. You can guarantee their will be a punishment. A huge one, if that. But for now, Scott, it was very nice meeting you, and I hope to see you around later.

Man, witnessing that, I feel embarrased for her.

"Wow, that was really awkward, but you're cute as button, and it was nice meeting you! You can call me Kate."

"Oh, uh, hi Kate, nice to meet you. And it was nice meeting you, Mr. and Mrs. Argent."

"It was nice meeting you, Scott. Hope to see you around," I heard them all say."

As I turn and walk towards the front door, i hear Allison yell out "Hey Scott, i'll walk you out."

"Oh, okay, yeah cool." The door shuts behind us.

"Hey, sorry about that, I wasn't expecting such a thing like that to happen.."

"Hey, it was okay. They seem like really cool, nice, people. Don't be embarassed."

I start up the car, but right when i try and hug her goodbye, she embraces me with a kiss.

Tonight was amazing, Scott. I would love for you to come over again, tomorrow."

I was surprised. I thought it would be gentleman-like not to kiss her yet. But, hey i'm all for it.

"Yeah it was, and i'll see what my plans are, and i'll let you know. Make sure it's okay with your parents, this time, okay?" I teased her.

"I promise i will make sure it's okay." She giggled as she walked away.

"Okay, goodnight Allison!" I called out to her.

I get in my car and drive my way home.

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