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"Don't think about leaving, because you won't make it out alive." This must have sounded so harsh when mom had to listen to those words. what if I, Min Lilly had to listen to those words? Would I have cried? Or would I have fighted back?

I stare at the sky while laying on my back in the garden. How did I lose both my parents in one day? No, wait. He hasn't even been my dad. He only made my mom pregnant of me, he never helped her raise me. But he was still my dad.

I can feel tears coming up, but there is no way to hold them back. It doesn't take a long time for them to roll down me already wet cheeks. I miss mom, but who will take my sadness away?

"Lilly! Can you please come back in to the house? I really need to talk to you!" I hear Mira's voice from afar, but I don't want to respond to her. "Yaa! Didn't I told you to come" Mira came out and is now standing next to my head. Her voices sounds angry, but I still stay silent. "Why do you ignore me? " There is her voice is again. I sigh and sit straight up. "Do I always have to respond to you when u call my name? No! Does it looks like I am in the mood to talk to you?" My voice doesn't sound stable, but I still made my point. "Why are you being like this Lilly? I know that our parents died but that doesn't change anything between us"

I sigh, when will she see that sometimes it's better for her to stay silent, or at least be kind? "Yeah sigh again" she says, "Why can't we just have a normal talk?" "Guess why" the sarcasm is dripping from my voice. "Stop behaving like a child Lilly! Mom and dad are gone forever and you and I can't change that!" Her voices sounds cold. The words hit my brain and heart and I completely freeze. How she dare to say this to me, she knows how much i love mom. "You have no feelings at all... don't you? They are your parents too, why don't you care?" My voice sounds broken. "Why would I care about an abusive dad and a mom who can't even raise her children properly? I had enough of their bullshit! I don't care about them, do you understand me!?" She stared down at me, with a mean look in her eyes. "At least she tried to raise us in the right way. But you messed around with her and her trust in you. You gave her a hard life. You and that gangster like boy of yours made her worried very often." I bite my lip and wait for her response. "Okay enough little one, you have no rights to speak anymore. You are leaving this house right now! There is no place here for you" Her voices has a demanding tone. "You can't just send me away... I live here!" I say while I am trying to fight against my tears again. "Looks like i can" She laughs evilly, "Now get out in an hour before I will kill you personally"

I am shocked, did she really just said that she would kill me? My mind freezes and I stare blankly at the sky. A pain stitch goes through my back when she kicks me. "I said! Get out of here!" She looks down on me, i can feel her eyes looking at me. I nod, get up and run to my room to pack as much off my stuff as possible.

It's almost 10 p.m when I stop walking. Where even am I? I have walked for hours and hours after each other. My feets are burning and I am hungry. I look around to see if I can get food somewhere, but there is nothing but the beach here. I sigh, now I lost both my parents and my house. Where do I have to sleep now? I put my bag down and sit down on the cold stone ground. I wrap my arms around my legs and lay my head on my knees.

It feels like hours passed before people showed up. The persons walked across the seashore, but it didn't look like they were paying attention to their surroundings. No they looked like they were in their own world. I stare at them and question myself why the would be here around this time of the night. Wouldn't they be at home, to sleep? I look at my phone screen, 11:30 p.m. I rest my head on my knees and try to clear my thoughts. Then suddenly someone taps my shoulder. "Are you okay?" I hear a voice next to me. I look up and see a boy standing next to me, it's one of the two persons who were walking across the seashore. "I... I... am....." I stutter for a moment and then my voice quiets. "Hey? Can I help you?" His voice sounds warm and sweet. "I have no place to stay...." I look down at my feet. "You can stay with me if you want" I can hear that he talks to me with a smile. Should i really say yes to him? He is a boy, a stranger.. what if he wants bad things? I shrug, "Are you serious? Am I allowed to?" I look at the boy and see him nodding. He holds his hand out to help me up. I grab his hand and then i get pulled up with a lot of strength. "Are you okay" he asks again. "A little", I say while staring at my feet. "Please look up" His voice sounds sad. I look up and meet two beautiful blue eyes. He smiles at me and it looks like he wants to say something, but he stays quiet. This boy looks so handsome but cute at the same time. Bright blue eyes, dark brown hair is messily peaking from under his cap, he has a sharp jawline and small lips. "What is your name?" His voice fits his look. "I am Lilly, Min Lilly" I say while looking at him. I see some kind of shock in his eyes, "Are you really Mira's younger sister?" Now I am shocked, does he know my sister? "Y-yeah Mira is my sister" My voice sounds unstable and maybe a little bit scared. "Don't be scared" he says, "I hate her but I don't hate you" "Did she do something to you?" Now I am really curious about this boy. "I am sorry for not introducing myself" he says......

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