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"N-no" I stutter, "I have already cried enough. I should stop crying and man up a bit." "Not possible." "Why not?" "You are a girl so you can't man up." I chuckle and push him softly with my shoulder. He smiles and lays his hand on my knee. "Do you have any idea of where he could be?" Jayden asks. I shrug, "Maybe he went back to the gang, maybe he joined Mira's gang or he might have gone back to the place him and me used to live at." "Where did you two live?" "In Busan." "Alright lets make a plan." "A plan like what?" "Lets first search in the Angels of the Night property, then at the Day Monsters property and lastly we search in Busan." "Sounds like a good but dangerous plan." "We will be careful and you can win people like Lay and Gerry to your side." "Okay when do you want to start?" "Lets go to the gang building right now." "But we promised Sam not to go there." "Doesn't matter, we need to find Joël." I nod softly, "But my clothes are to obvious." "That is why I kept some of your old clothes and took them with me." "You have been carrying old clothes of me with you all the time?" "Yes, black pants and your black jacket. You can wear my black sweater if you want." "Thank you" I say while nodding. "Lets go back to the car then." Jayden gets up and holds his hand out to help me up. I grab his hand and he pulls me up. We walk down the stairs, out of the door and back to the car, Jayden still holding my hand. He lets go of it so I can change clothes in the car, but he grabs it again when I step out. He changed his green jacket for a black one like mine. I smile at him and get handed a black mask. I put it on and then we start to walk. We arrive at the building after 20 minutes. I look around but it is really silent outside. We enter the building and surprisingly there is someone sitting behind the hallway counter. I walk up to the counter and study the males face. The male looks back at me, clearly doing the same to me. Then it clicks, this is Lay. "Good evening Lay" I say. "Hello Lilly, didn't expect to see you here ever again." "Well joke is on you, here I am." "Can I help you with something?" "Yes, have you seen Joël?" "No, did you lose him?" "He broke up with me because of a lie Jayden told him" I say while pointing at Jayden. "That is horrible, so now you want to find him again and explain what happend?" "Yes, I want him back."  "She hasn't properly eaten, slept or been relaxed for weeks" Jayden mixes in. Lay glares at Jayden, "Stay silent, don't speak as long as you are on our property." Jayden nods softly and takes a step back. "Good boy" Lay says with a serious face. I side eye Jayden and notices that he is going to obey Lay this time. "Lilly" Lay says, "I will call Gerry over for you." I smile thankfully, "I would be happy to talk to him." Lay smiles and picks up the phone. I look at Jayden again, who is looking around. I try to lock eyes with him but he doesn't look my way. I sigh and turn back to Lay. Lay says a few short words on the phone and hangs up again. "He will be here in 10 minutes" he says, "take a seat please." He points at some seats and I walk over to them. I grab Jayden's hand on the way there and pull him with me. "Gerry will be here in 10 minutes" I tell him. "Gerry hates me" Jayden says with a sigh. "But I am with you and he doesn't hate me, at least not that I know." "I don't know if this is the best idea Lil, maybe it is better find bonds somewhere else." "Lets talk to Gerry first, you never know what he is going to say if we don't talk to him." "Alright" Jayden says while looking around again. "You are more careful and nervous around here right?" "Yes" he whispers, "I am a little scared." I squeeze his hand softly, "I am here with you, I will protect you." He smiles softly and whispers, "What if they won't work with you because I am here with you?" "Then we find others to work with." "That sounds like a good idea." I nod and watch Lay working behind the desk. Why is he doing this instead of being out there? Lay smiles at me and silently calls me over. I get up and walk to him. "Can I tell you something?" He whispers. I nod while leaning on the counter with my elbows. "I am going to team up with you no matter what Gerry tells you. I updated Matt on the situation a few seconds ago and he is in on my plan." "You two will help us?" I whisper. Lay nods at the moment Gerry comes in. "Good afternoon" he says with a grumpy voice. I turn to him, "Hello Gerry, it is nice to see you again." "Cut the bullshit and get to the point." "Joël went missing but searching for him will be dangerous if Jayden and me do it on our own." "I am not going to help you because you didn't help me when I needed you." I roll my eyes, "I thought you cared about me." "I don't care about anyone anymore." "Not even your wife?" "She is no longer alive." "Oh, I am sorry to hear." "It is okay, it doesn't matter anymore." I bite lip and look at Gerry with a questionable face. "Stop looking at me like that" he says, "I am not going to help you so get you and that stupid spy of my property before I will open a fight." My eyes widen and narrow immediately after. "Don't talk about Jayden like that if you barely know him" I growl. Gerry takes a step towards me and grabs me by my collar. "I told you off but you really became a miss troublemaker huh?" I glare at him, "Since when do I have to listen to you?" Gerry tightens his grip and raises his fist, ready to punch me in the face. I kick him, sending him to the ground in one smooth move. But he keeps having a hold on me, so I go down too.

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