Ch. 6} This Is Dadda

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Jakes POV
I get on a plane and go home, when I get there I wait outside the door for a few minutes. I'm going to see my daughter fir the first time in mine and her entire life, how will she react. Before I enter the door opens and I see a little girl and Erika standing there
Erika: *looks up and screams* Jake! *she jumps into his arms and hugs him*
Jake: I missed you so much! *kisses Erika*
Erika: *tears up* you didnt tell me you were coming back!
Jake: I know I wanted to surprise you!
Rose: momma who dat?
Erika: Rose thats daddy, remember I showed you the picture?
Rose: *looks at Jake for a second then runs up and hugs his legs* daddy!
Jake: hey big girl! *picks her up*
Rose: dadda have brown eyes?
Erika: no daddy has hazel eyes, can you say that?
Rose: hezul?
Jake: yeah, hazel
Rose: *smiles and then hugs Jake and lays her head down on his shoulder* I wuv dadda
Erika: *smiles*
Jake: and dadda loves Rose
Rose: *starts to fall asleep on Jakes shoulder*
Erika: cuties *kisses Jakes cheek*
Jake: so what were you guys heading out for?
Erika: we were just about to go to the mall and then get some lunch, you hungry?
Jake: starving
Erika: well then lets go *starts walking down the stairs of their house*
Jake: ooh *smacks Erikas butt*
Erika: save it for later *smirks*
Jake: I don't know if I can wait that long
Erika: *giggles*
Jake: goodnight princess
Rose: night night dadda, night night momma
Erika: goodnight baby, I love you
Rose: I wuv you too *blows a kiss at Erika and Erika does it back*
-They both go to their room-
Erika: she already loves you so much *sits on the bed*
Jake: yeah, I was nervous that she would be afraid of me
Erika: so did I, but she remembered your picture
Jake: thats good, so I saved everything for later
Erika: *smirks then kisses Jake*
Jake: *takes his and Erikas shirt off then lays her down on the bed while still kissing her*
Rose: *knocks on the door* mommy?
Erika: *breaks the kiss and sighs* one second baby! *gets her shirt back on and opens the door* what happened?
Rose: I saw something scary outside my window
Erika: show me where
-Rose leads Erika to her room and points outside the window, Erika comforts her and she falls back asleep-
Erika: *walks back into the room and shuts the door* so where were we?
Jake: *smiles*
-you know what happens-
(The next morning)
Erika: *wakes up and sees Jake is laying on her stomach, she plays with his hair and he wakes up* good morning babe
Jake: good morning, did you sleep well?
Erika: yes
Jake: good, is Rose awake yet?
Erika: no, but-

Erika then quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom and throws up, Jake comes in and holds her hair back. She finishes up and gets back in bed

Erika: I think I'm sick
Jake: you sure you're not...
Erika: after one night? Definitely not
Jake: ok, good. Do you want some water?
Erika: yes please

Jake brings Erika a glass of water and Rose wakes up. He keeps her busy while Erika sleeps

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