Ch. 7} 2 weeks

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Jakes POV
It's been two weeks since Erika got sick, she went to the hospital to make sure she wasn't pregnant, they said she wasn't but I don't know, she seems really moody and she has been really sick. I've been keeping Rose busy everyday, she's such a sweet little girl, I couldnt ask for anything more.
Erika: Jake?
Jake: yes babe?
Erika: can you come lay down with me?
Jake: sure *he lays his head on her stomach and cuddles with her*
Erika: I love you so much *plays with his hair* can I ask you something?
Jake: take a shot
Erika: how would you feel about having another baby soon?
Jake: well, we could give it a try... but I still want to get used to Rose first
Erika: right, but like after I'm not sick and she gets more used to you?
Jake: yeah, I'd like that
Erika: Jake?
Jake: yes baby?
Erika: I think that might already be coming
Jake: so I wasn't the only one that noticed?
Erika: no... I just, last time I was pregnant this is exactly how it went for a little while, and the doctors said I wasn't but you just came back so I was thinking maybe its too early to tell
Jake: well, we'll wait a few weeks then go to the doctors again, and then we'll go from there
Erika: ok
Rose: *opens the door* momma? Dadda?
Jake: whats wrong sweetie?
Rose: *whispers* someone here

Jake and Erika look at each other then back at Rose. Erika quickly grabs Rose and hides her in their closet and tells her to stay there. Jake and Erika both grab weapons, Erika grabs a baseball bat and Jake grabs a metal rod. They make their way downstairs and search the house, they hear someone in the kitchen.

Jake: *whispers* I'll go first
Erika: *whispers back* signal me in

Jake nods and slowly walks into the kitchen, he spots somebody with a black hoodie and realizes they are facing away from him.

Jake: *says sternly* turn around slowly
??: *turns around quickly* oh hey Jake!
Jake: jesusfuckingchrist Tony, you scared the shit outta me!
Anthony: so bro
Jake: and why are you eating my chips?
Anthony: because you had food and I was hungry so I started eating
Erika: really?
Anthony: hey Rik, you two doing something?
Erika: *looks down at what she is wearing*
Jake: she's sick
Erika: right *grabs a blanket off the couch and wraps it around her*
Tony: ok so the lingerie isn't because of...
Jake: no, I've actually been taking care of Rose while she's been resting
Tony: ooh daddy Paul steppin up
Jake: I'm not just a daddy to her *smirks at Erika*
Erika: *playfully punches him*
Tony: anyways, they need you at the Team ten house, Chance and Kade are fighting and its getting pretty bad
Jake: ok, I'll be there soon
Tony: oh and uh, don't bring the two year old-
Jake: Rose
Tony: Rose yeah, don't bring her, she'll get hurt
Jake: got it

Jake and Erika both get ready and then gets Rose ready. They leave and head to the team ten house, when they arrive Erika and Rose wait in the car until Jake tells them to come in. After everything is settled he introduces Rose to Team Ten.

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