Ch. 9} The Results Are In

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Erikas POV
So this is it, we post-mated a test and its about to happen...

Jake: *knocks on the door* babe, are you almost done?
Erika: yeah, you can come in
Jake: *walks in holding Rose's hand*
Erika: come here baby *picks Rose up*
Rose: mommy ok?
Erika: yes mommy is ok, I'm just nervous
Jake: its ok babe *hugs Erika*
Erika: *tears up* I love you guys so much
Rose: we wuv you too mommy

They wait for a few more minutes then they start to vlog

Erika: alright guys, this is it *wipes her face*
Jake: Rose are you ready?
Rose: yea!
Erika: ok *shakily picks up the test and flips it over* omg!

Jake and Erika both start crying and then hug each other

Rose: momma and dadda ok?
Erika: Rose, you're going to get a baby brother or sister soon!
Rose: baby brother?
Jake: maybe
Rose: yay!

Anthony then walks in

Anthony: sounds like good news
Rose: I get a baby broder or sister soon!
Anthony: alright big girl! High five!
Rose: *laughs and high fives Tony*

Time skip 2 months ahead

Erika: *is getting her makeup on*
Jake: babe, you don't need that
Erika: you're right I don't, I want it *laughs*
Jake: ok, are you almost done?
Erika: yeah, what time did you tell everybody to be here?
Jake: 2:30
Erika: ok, they should be here soon then
Jake: ok, we got everything set up right?
Erika: yeah, can you go get Rose so she doesn't mess anything up?
Jake: yeah *kisses her cheek then walks out of the room*

Two hours later

Erika: alright is everybody here?
Angel: I think so
Jake: ok, lets do this!
Erika: ok, but first who's team girl?
Team Girl: *raises their hands*
Jake: and who's team boy?
Team Boy: *raises their hands*
Jake: theres more boy than girl
Erika: oh you just wait, Me and Morgan are gonna prove all of you wrong
Morgan: yeah!
Angel: hurry up already!
Erika: ok! God people, Rose are you ready?
Rose: yeah!

Jake, Erika, and Rose all pull the ribbon off of the box and pink balloons fly out

Erika: *screams* I told you!
Jake: omg! *hugs Erika*
Erika: *is crying* I told you all *laughs*
Rose: I get a little sister!!
Morgan: boom b*tch!
Angel: Morgan!
Morgan: I told you so!

They all hang out for a little bit then everyone leaves and they clean up. Afterwards they put Rose to sleep and then watch a movie together and eventually fall asleep too

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