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(Y/N): Your name

(E/C): eye color

(H/L): hair length

(H/C): hair color

(M/N): Mother's name

(F/C): favorite color

(H/B): horse breed

(H/N): horse name

(if i missed any just ask :) )

A girl who had what most hadn't, was ripped away from all she knew. Her life of isolation wasn't really a cage, it was more like protection. You see, she is mixed race because her father was full Italian, an immigrant. Her mother was (your/race), she looked exactly like (Y/N). (E/C) eyes and (h/l) (h/c) hair. Her eyes were calm, (M/N) was actually from a rich society. She lived in a rich household with her 3 siblings. (Y/N)'s dad was actually working for (M/N)'s father, they met and fell into forbidden love. It's a cute story, but that's for another time.

(Y/N)'s story all starts with her enjoying dinner with her parents, she was never let out into the real world. She was only allowed to roam on the land they owned. She didn't mind though, it was a disgusting world out there. Crime was always everywhere. She learned how to ride horses like an expert, how to cook and clean. All the simple things.

But nothing could have prepared her for what happened that night.

It was maybe midnight, when (Y/N) woke up to the door opening with a creak. She was puzzled, doors were always locked at night. The (h/c)-ette slowing crept out of bed and tiptoed to the door of her bedroom. With caution, she opened the door just enough to catch a glimpse of what was outside.

"Are you sure there is money in this dump?" an ugly, rat faced man snarled. The other two men just rolled their eyes and reassured him.

"Yes there is, you know Brad's information is never wrong. You fucking doubting him?" a red headed man who looked to be ready for retirement spat. (Y/N) looked around to see two of the men gone, they must have searched upstairs. Her breathing hitched, her parents. She stumbled back and fell on the wood floor.

"What was that?" immediately, another man burst into the room and found (Y/N) on the floor, terrified. He walked up to her, she tried to crawl away. It was futile, he grabbed her hair and dragged her outside. The three men then put all their attention on me.

"The hell? There was only supposed to be those two? Why a fucking kid?"

"What do we do with her?"

"We'll take her to the boss, after we deal with them." he pointed at her parents embracing each other in fear. (Y/N) couldn't speak, if she tried only a sob would burst out. The man who had her hair in his hand pulled her to kneel in front of her parents. The other two men forced her parents to kneel in front of her as well. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Mama, Papa! Cosa sta succedendo!? Perché questi uomini sono qui!? (Mama, Papa! What's going on!? Why are these men here?)" she asked in Italian (that's why I made you Italian because I just like the language a lot). The man who held her took his gun and hit it against the back of her head, but not hard enough to knock her out. Pain thundered against her skull. Her parents just cowered in fear, watching.

The two other men, who had found all the valuables they could, aimed their guns at the two lovers. (M/N) was shaking with fear of death.

"This is disgusting, two people of different races getting married and having a half-breed for a kid. How could anyone marry a nasty European?" then two shots were heard throughout the land. Blood splattered on the walls and a bit on (Y/N)'s face. She froze, this was why they didn't want to let her out.

To protect her from a disapproving world.

She didn't even remember being hogtied and out on the back of a horse, apparently being taken to their boss. She didn't remember being taken down and carried to a cellar; hell, she didn't even try to escape. Not until she finally accepted the fact that her old life was over, and a new life of running began.


She urged the blue roan horse to gallop harder, she's been crying for a while now. She leaned forward a little to hug the horses neck, careful not to get hit in the gut by the saddle horn. She slowed the horse down to a canter once the prison was out of sight. (Y/N) smiled bitterly as she rode into a small town. She had been held captive for a little over a year, multiple things have happened to her. All are unpleasant.

Their leader used her in so many ways, and none of them were pleasant. She was 14 now, 14! Her legs burned from not being in use for so long. She has gained so many scars from her time there. One across her lips that was on the left side, and a scar going across one of her eyebrows (I'll let you pick which one).

As she entered the town she dismounted the horse and started walking, looking for someone to help her. She saw a picture of her mother standing next to a man and wondered if she could find him. On the back it said where he would be waiting for her one day.

She walked and walked until she found a man who looked exactly like him. She walked a bit faster and once she reached him, she tapped his shoulder. He jumped and looked down at her puzzled.

"Why are you out here alone little one? Shouldn't you be with your parents?" the man smiled, showing only a few wrinkles. (Y/N) frowned with tears in her eyes, this alarmed the man.

"Are you Hosea Matthews? M-My mama, she knew you when she was younger. I-I need help." she whimpered. She may have looked clean, but that's only because she washed in the river before she came. She was not going to look like some little thieving child that no one could trust.

"I am, what happened to (M/N)? Is she-" the young teen nodded a yes in response, already wiping away a few stray tears. Hosea wrapped an arm around her and led the horse to where his group was. As they walked, she told him about what had happened the past year, all her problems she just spilled out on the poor man. He just nodded along and listened.

"I-I just don't know what I'll do, I was hoping to see you for some sort of guidance or-or-"

"Relax, you need not worry. We'll take care of you until you feel you can take care of yourself." the man smiled and I just could help but have one word come to mind.


As they approached two people-one a boy, another a man-(Y/N) took in their features. The man had raven colored hair and a small beard with a mustache to accompany it. He had a sly charm to him, he looked to be in his mid 20's. The boy had sandy-brown locks, he looked more like a boy than a man, he was maybe in his later teens. They both turned and had their eyes on her.

"Arthur, Dutch this is (Y/N). She just escaped from a kidnapper, she's in serious need for help." Hosea pleaded. (Y/N) doubted they would actually say yes, she was just some kid on the street anyway.

"You know my saying, we'll help those who need helping. That's what we'll do, welcome aboard." Dutch smiled. Arthur nodded with respect, the young girl nodded back. Hosea pat your shoulder.

"Well, let's get you some proper clothes. Wouldn't want you to wear the same clothes everyday."

Time Skip

"Why, now you look like a lady!" Dutch chuckled as (Y/N) kept picking at the sleeves to her blouse. The barber was kind enough to style her hair the way she wanted it for free.

"Are you sure I don't look odd? It's been a while since I've worn a dress." she scratched her neck in nervousness.

"You look lovely (Y/N)." Arthur grinned and nodded in approval. (Y/N) blushed a bit at the sweet compliment. Hosea laughed.

"How much do I owe you Hosea? Surely there's something I can do for you." she turned towards the male with soft eyes. He sighed and shook his head.

"Not necessary, you needed to get back on your feet." All of a sudden she grabbed each one of their hands and held them to her heart. Tears pricked her eyes.

"Thank you so much, I promise I'll repay this debt. My life if yours to command, your every request is my mission." she smiled as they all smiled at her.

Yeah, she could get used to this affection.

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