Winter is the Worst Season

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I shivered as a big gust of cold wind hit us like a bull's kick to the face. I never liked the cold, especially like this. Snow was cute and all, but this is seriously ridiculous! It's the middle of May! I was riding my horse, (H/N), through the bitter cold. He whinnied as he blew air out of his nose, I patted his neck and rubbed my hand in circles. Over the years of learning about horses, I knew that horses loved to be pet in rhythm.

   I paid my attention back to where we were heading, which was right in front of me. I don't know the location, but Dutch sent Arthur ahead to scout. I was riding (H/N) right beside the wagon Dutch and Hosea were in, we all rode ahead in silence, except for the occasional whine made by a horse.

   Swanson jumps from the back of the third wagon and walks up to ours. We all turn our attention to him.

   "Abigail says he's dying, Dutch. We'll have to stop some place." he tells Dutch about Davey's condition. I frown a bit.

   "Okay. Arthur's out looking, I sent him ahead." Dutch responds and continues to direct the horses.

   "If we don't stop soon, we'll all be dying. This weather, it's May...I'm just hoping the law got as lost as we did." Hosea says. I nod in agreement.

   "We need to find a place to lie low, and maybe a warmer place for when Davey..." I stop mid sentence, the two men's frowns deepen.

   "There. Arthur! Any luck?" Dutch asks desperately. Arthur appears in front of the wagon riding Taima, Charles's horse. Arthur tilts his head up to respond.

   "I found a place where we can get some shelter. Let Davey rest while know. An old mining town, abandoned, it ain't far. Come on." I let out a sigh of relief.

   "Oh thank God above!" I smile slightly and pat (H/N)'s flank, dusting off a bit of snow.

   "Come on!" Dutch calls loud enough for everyone to hear. He urges the horses forward once more and we keep moving, wanting to get out of the cold as soon as possible.

   We finally reach the mining town as all of us dismount. Hosea holds a lantern and his gun and walks to one of the cabins. He opens the door and shines the lantern to make sure no one was there.

   "Bring him in here." Hosea says as he enters the cabin, with everyone on his tail. Bill and Arthur come in holding Davey on a wooden board. They place him down as everyone enters, including me.

   "Miss Gaskill...get that fire lit quick. Miss Jones, bring in whatever blankets we have. Mr. Pearson, see what we've got in terms of food." Miss Grimshaw directs others. Abigail keeps her eyes on Davey, then looks to everyone else.

   "Davey's dead." she claimed as a sudden feeling of dread overwhelms everyone.

   "There was...nothing more you could have done." Swanson replies.

   "What are we gonna do? We need supplies." Hosea says as Arthur puts two coins over Davey's eyes.

   "Well, first of all you're gonna stay here...and you are gonna get yourself warm. Now, I sent John and Micah scouting out ahead. Arthur, (Y/N), and I, we're gonna ride out to see if we can find one of em'. " Dutch speaks. I scoff, and Arthur shoots back.

   "In this?"

   "It's so fucking cold..." I sigh as Hosea puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it in reassurance.

   "Just for a short bit...I don't see what other choice we have," he then begins to speak to everyone,"Listen...listen to me all of you, for a moment. Now, we've had...well, a bad couple of days. I loved Davey...Jenny...Sean, Mac...they may be okay, we don't know. But we lost some folks. Now, if I could...throw myself in the ground in their stead...I'd do it, gladly." I nod in agreement, as did Arthur.

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