The Date

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   It had been hard to sleep last night, but I eventually did. Maybe not 8 hours, but that's better than nothing! I was completely ecstatic when I woke up. What was I gonna wear? I couldn't wait!

   Oh my goodness it was 4 in the morning.

   WHO CARES?! I was still deciding on an outfit for the day, but I tried to think of Charles's favorite color. What was it? I'm just gonna go out on a limb and pick blue. A subtle baby blue shirt! Perfect.

   I was obviously going to wear jeans. Oh, and I need to put on the new spurs I got so I can break in the straps. This is going perfect!

   After brushing my hair I looked in my small pocket mirror. What should I do with it?

Option A): Braid/Twin Braids
Option B): Leave it down and wild!

   I decided on what to do and prepared my hair for the day. I ended up exiting my tent at 5:00 with many of the gang up and getting their coffee. I am doing the same.

   I sat down on a log by the fire and sipped the hot drink. Sometimes, I would add some sugar or mint to calm down the bitterness. As in some I mean half the cup. After drinking it I dump out the grimes and start hauling hay over to the horses.

   I've grabbed enough bales for them to eat for most of the day. So Grimshaw won't scold me about it. When walking back I see Molly standing at a tree with her coffee.

   "Hey Miss O'Shea. How are you?" I look at her with sincerity. The other girls may not be that nice to her, but all she wants is attention from Dutch. Not that hard to understand.

   "Oh, I'm fine I suppose."

   "You're not a great liar, Miss O'Shea." She looks back at me and sighs.

   "Why does it seem like Dutch doesn't want to be around me that much anymore? I thought he loved me." The Irish whined.

   "Dutch does love you. Not anyone gets to sleep in his tent. Look, he's not that kinda man. Once he finds love, he'll go and fight through anything to preserve it." I think back to when he and Annabelle were so in love. But that just gives me new theories.

   "It's just that. I don't know, I think he might be changing. Not acting like himself, no not at all! It seems like he doesn't want me around, only thinking about his plan. I don't know what to do." I look into her eyes and try to calm her down. But I may have reached a conclusion as to why she's having these problems. I'll have to see.

    "Oh, thank you for listening to me. Sorry that was a bit of a longer conversation than I think you were hoping for." She apologizes after we had fixed her makeup after her crying session.

   "It's alright, Miss O'Shea. I'll see you later." As I turn back around to leave she beckons me back.

   "Please, call me Molly. Would you?" I nod and turn back around to go find Charles. It was nearly 7:00. As I look for him, I go back to my tent to grab my dad's old jacket I found. I slide it on and continue my search.

   "(Y/N)?" I turn around and meet Charles's eyes.

   "Hey! When do you want to leave?" He walks over to me with a small grin.

    "As soon as possible, before I have to go on some errand." I chuckle.

   "Alright, well all I have to do is tack up. Then we can head out." He nods and goes over to talk to Arthur. I make my way over to my beautiful stallion.

   "Who's a good boy? You are!" I pat his shoulder as I lead him to the hitching post. I tack him up and put his new bit in. I had also put it on his new headstall and reins. Bam! He looks like a million bucks!

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