Chores and More Chores

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   In the morning, I treated the day like any other. The day before swimming happily in my mind, but I look down at the ring and the discussion we had brings my mood down. Was it wrong of me to tell him what happened to James? Maybe I opened up too soon. I got dressed in a blouse and long skirt, ready to do some women's work. I put on a nice pair of earrings and pull my hair into a bun.

   Walking out of my tent, I grab a cup of coffee and check in with Grimshaw. After she had her coffee, she's even more of a pain when she hasn't had her morning cup of coffee. I asked her what chores she wanted me to complete and surprisingly, she didn't give me much. Just helping with Pearson and the horses. My favorite chores if I had any.

   "And don't forget to hang up the wash once Tilly and Karen are done with it. As if they fucking will anyways..." she walks away, muttering more.

'Aw, shit...I hate laundry!' I scream in my head and head off to Tilly and Karen. Tilly nods to a bin filled with wrung out, but damp clothes. I pick it up and head to the clothesline. Mary-Beth comes over and helps, ordered by Grimshaw. We hang up a few clothes before she starts to converse.

   " was your date with Charles the other day? How come you were gone for so long? Did y'all..." she led on and my face got unbelievably red.

   "N-No way Mary-Beth! I-It wasn't like that. How-Why-Is-Huh!?" She chuckled at my reaction.

   "No but seriously, did you have a good time?"

   "Yeah I did, he's such a gentleman. He's sweet, makes me laugh, and always knows what to say. He's..."


   "Perfect." I smile, smitten. I grab more clothespins and pin-up the clothes. She grins proudly and brushes her hair behind her ear, pinning up more clothes along with me.

   "Tell Karen and I'll kill you in your sleep."

    "I know."

   "Good." We finish up and I return the bucket to the girls and they are getting through another load. It'll be a while before I have to hang up some more laundry so I change out of my clothes into pants and keep on the blouse. I slip on my boots and walk to Pearson.

   "Any requests?" I ask as he chops up some meat and dumps it into the pot full of water.

   "I'm accepting pretty much everything. I'd like for you to get deer or elk. Either or, just enough meat for a while." I nod and leave to prepare two horses. Why 2 you ask? I wanna feed my people. There are quite a few of us and bringing home at least 2 deer would do nicely to morale. I leave to get to the horses and saddle up (h/n) and grab a bulky quarter horse. Missy was short but she was a brute. She was a lovely chestnut color and didn't mind doing work. I bridle (h/n) and slip a halter and lead rope on Missy.

   We rode out a bit away and got to a good hunting ground I found. Using a bow, I managed to grab 2 deer, a turkey, and a rabbit.  I put both deer on Missy, knowing she can handle it and ride off. Keeping it at a walk and mild trot, I think about yesterday. Again! It was a good time, I kind of miss Charles. I haven't talked to him all day.

   As I neared the camp, I was thinking about asking him to help me with the horses today. I return and see that Arthur's horse had not yet returned. He must've been a busy man. A very busy man. I tie both horses to the hitching post and give them both a treat. I inform Pearson of the meat and he sends Sean and Lenny to get it off the horses.

   I grab hay for the horses and give them as much as my body would allow. I also put up another load of laundry on the line with Mary-Beth. Soon enough, dinner had been announced ready and I rushed to grab a bowl. To my pleasure, there was a shit ton of meat in it. I grinned, I did well today. I sat down at the table and read a book Mary-Beth lent me. I see someone sit down next to me and look over.

   Charles smiles and asks if the seat's taken. I nod no and continue to read for the rest of the page and put the book down. I look over to him and see him looking at me as well. I grin.

   "So, I didn't see you at all today. What were you doing?" I question.

   "Chopping wood and running a few errands." I hum in reply as I continue to eat.

   "God my day was molto stancante (very tiring). I had to hang up laundry, go hunting, feed the cavalle (horses), and I didn't even get to give them thorough baths today! I suppose I'll do it tomorrow." I yawn, already feeling drained from the effort I put in today.

   "I'll help you with that."



   "Thanks, Charles." I smile. I yawn again and finish up my meal. I smile again at Charles who also finished and we put the dishes away.

   "I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight (y/n)." he flashes a quick smile and walks away. My heart's doing flips by now and unconsciously looking down at the ring. Guilt churns at the bottom of my stomach. I frown. Is this wrong? Am I betraying James by feeling this way for another man? God, I hope not...


   I wake up a bit later than I usually do and lay in bed for a while. After laying there for God knows how long, I finally get up and get dressed. Wearing a similar outfit to yesterday, just no skirt for any time today. I walk outside and see Charles sitting at the campfire, waiting for me. I'm just guessing. I grab a cup of coffee and go sit next to Charles. We talk for a while and get to grooming once I'm done with my cup.

   We get water and put the animal safe soap that we had purchased for them and let it soak. We get another tub and fill it with clean water, just to get them wet. We start off with the dirtiest horses, which happen to be Arthur's and Bill's. I was surprised that Bill's horse was so dirty, guess he hasn't been brushed for a while. We get to cleaning, I take Arthur's horse since I was shorter. I soak him and get to rubbing.

   I also use a sponge to get water and pour it on the horses. I can tell how much they enjoy these since their head is down a bit and they chew without eating. After rubbing down on them, we rinse them and softly clean their faces as well. Then I grab a few old brushes and start brushing them out. There were quite a few horses to clean up and it was nice to get Charles's help.

   We had gotten through about 8 horses and had 12 more to go. I know, pain in the ass.

   "I'm gonna go ask for some help. Maybe Javier or Arthur will help." I walk away and look for the two. I find them both by the firepit. Javier was singing and playing his guitar. Arthur had been sharpening his knife. They both look up as I come into their view.

   "Buenos tardes, Senora. How can I help you?"

   "Buon pomeriggio (good afternoon), Javier. Yes, there is something I need your help with. Both of you." Arthur looks up.

   "Charles and I have been bathing the horses all morning and we aren't even halfway through yet. Can y'all help us?"

   "Well, sure. I wasn't doing much anyway." Arthur stands up and goes over to Charles. I smile and thank him. Javier nods as well and we head over. We all continue to clean the animals at twice the speed. Soon enough, by dinner time again we were done with all of them. We were all soaking wet and hungry as hell. We eat, sleep and do chores the next day.

   Charles and I spend nearly every second of the day together. It's really working, I'm getting so much closer to him. It's still kind of conflicting that I like him, or think I do. I am still engaged to a dead man! I don't know what to do...

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