Welcome Back, Dumbass!

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   Waking up and getting dressed was easy. Dealing with everyone here was not. I ended up my favorite bandanna that took ages to find. I walk over to Dutch's tent and overhear Arthur and him talking. Then we see Lenny riding into camp. He looked like someone snatched his soul.

   "They got Micah! Dutch, Arthur, (Y/N)!"

   "What's going on?"

   "They got Micah. He-He's been arrested for murder! He was in Strawberry and-"

   "It's ok, son, breathe..."

   "They nearly lynched me. They...they got Micah in the sheriff's in Strawberry...and there's talk of hanging him." Lenny stutters out, clearly freaked out.

   "Finally, thank you Lord above! I've been longing for this sweet day!" I laugh in glee as Arthur agrees with me.


   "What? The guy's a huge asshole, I say let him rot and burn in hell." I shrug as Molly just fans her face, I swear I heard her mumble something along the lines of 'colorful vocabulary for a lady'.

   "You think I can't see past his bluster to the heart inside? He's a fine man."

   "No, I ain't saving that fool." Arthur and Dutch argue until Dutch tells all of us to go get a drink. Help Lenny take his mind off of all this shit. Next thing I know, we're in the saloon ordering more than a few drinks. Once I was completely wasted, all I remember was taking my shirt off complaining it was too hot.

   The thing is, there are always a few types of drunks. I'm literally all of them combined. Usually I don't strip, so this was new. I wake up in a jail cell next to Lenny and Arthur. I hiss as I get up and pain rushes to my head.

   "Holy shit, what the hell happened? Where is my shirt!?" I screech as I scream at Arthur to give me his jacket. I put it on and button it up all the way. Everyone's faces were red, except the sheriffs. Lenny pays 30 bucks to get us out of jail and we walk out, but everyone throws up. I whistle for my horse and tell Arthur I'll drop off his jacket at his wagon.

   He waved me off and sat on the ground.

Time Skip~   

   The days went by quite quickly, and I (as usual) was doing more work than the other girls. Kinda sucks, but they do have to deal with Ms.Grimshaw more than me. She's kinda insulting, but I know she means well. She's actually a really nice person, under all the nastiness. She's been nothing but sweet to me, unless I give her mouth. She's been kind of like a mother figure to me.

   "Come on, (Y/N)! Can't you stop daydreaming for once and do some goddamn work?!" she yells at me as I shake my head hard.

   "Yes ma'am! Sorry ma'am!" I continued to scrub the clothes, I was actually covering for Karen. We played poker, but instead of money we bet on favors. I swear she was cheating! I have another favor to do for her, but she also has to do a favor for me.

   "Thank you, but as soon as you're done I need you for something." I nod and continue to work. Even though I was a gunslinger, I never used it to get out of camp work. I mainly worked with horses, but once in a while I worked with the women.

   Even though Susan acts very bitchy to me, she doesn't mean it. She just doesn't wanna show favoritism in public. Once I finish washing the clothes, I hang them up to dry. I wrung out the bottom of my skirt that got soaked with laundry water. I change into my pants and chaps  so my skirt can dry off.

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