Stress Gets to the Best of Us

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After finally being off the mountain we adjusted to the new life of heat and warmth. We've been bringing in money for supplies and I've been hunting all I can. I've been spending more time with Charles than almost all of the other gang members. I still try to make time for anyone though. I still hang out with Sadie and Karen a lot though too.

   I've been trying to bring in a lot for the camp, and it's nice to know that everyone knows how hard I'm trying. I decided to go to the saloon with Javier, Charles, and Bill. We all ride together making small talk, once we get there Bill says he has to take care of something so it's just us three who walk in.

   Maybe an hour passes by, but Javier and Charles manage to get two working girls to be by them. I was in the middle of the two girls while not paying attention to the other two. One plays with my hair, twirling it in her finger and the other plays with the buttons of my shirt.

   "Well, ain't you a cutie. Where ya from?" the redhead asks as she continues to play with my shirt seductively.


   "Oh shush! What type of hair ointment do you use? It's so soft and silky!"


   "Hey, you new 'round here?" I look up to find an extremely attractive man standing in front of me. My face grows red, while the other girls pay less attention to me.

   "You always take the good ones Noah!"

   "Let us have her!" the two pout while he grabs me by the wrist and drags me over to the piano and to the wall.

   "I'm sorry about them, they get kind of clingy to their potential clients. I'm Noah by the way." He shakes my hand formally and grins at me. I return both the grin and the shake.

   "It's alright, I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you, so you work as a..."

   "Yeah, not my dream job, but it helps me get by. What do you do?" he asks as he slowly puts his arm on one side of my head. I hold my beer awkwardly.

   "Oh, I'm a hunter. That's why I'm not wearing an uncomfortable dress, and why I'm with those two." I gestured to the two trying to flirt with the two women, and of course they were both very tipsy. I didn't have too many beers, but I can hold my liquor.

   "Really? I like variety. I heard someone say it was the spice of life, anyways do you wanna meet up sometime and-" I hear the doors of the saloon open and see Arthur walk in. Noah distracts me by talking up a storm again. I'm only half listening as I overhear Arthur insult the two girls. At the same time, Noah tells a moderately funny experience that happened to him.

   I begin to laugh and try to cover up my mouth.

   "It's not that funny!" he begins to laugh too and we make quite a lot of noise. I see the two girls walk angrily upstairs and they beckon Noah to follow. He kisses my cheek before saying goodbye and walking away. I hold my cheek as I, once again, feel my face flush. I walk back to the group and hope they didn't notice what just happened.

   "What was that?" Arthur demands as my face dims down a little.

   "It wasn't anything special! He caught me off guard." I grumble and look down at my shoes.

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