Days Hanging With Good Friends

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   I'm sitting on a log by the campfire casually talking to Hosea when I notice that Arthur is carrying in Swanson. He throws him on the ground as the poor Reverend rolls on the dirt. Grimshaw approaches Arthur and they start to talk. I turned to the older man I was having a conversation with.

   "Poor Swanson, glad he's okay. I was wondering where he had gone." I grin at Hosea and he chuckles.

   "Poor Arthur has to go and get him every time. Kid needs a break sometimes." My mind starts to come up with ideas on how to give Arthur a break.

   "Hmm, maybe I can go and do something with him today or something. Not drinking though because we know how bad it went last time." Hosea and I share a laugh and I get up to go get Arthur. I brush off my behind and start looking. I eventually find him talking to Dutch in his tent.

   "Hello, (y/n)." Dutch greets me.

   "Dutch. Can I steal Arthur from you for a moment?" He nods and Arthur looks at me confused.

   "What do you need?"

   "Let's go do something fun!" He sighs.

   "Did you just pull me over to say this?" He groans.

   "Oh come on! Don't be such a bastone nel fango (stick in the mud)! You, my friend, need a break. Everyone's been putting so much on you as of late and you need to relax! We're going into town!" I grab his wrist and pull him to his horse. I whistle for Bear to follow us and runs at us all slow

   "Alright, alright!" he laughs and mounts up and waits for me. I mount and lead the way.

   "First, we're going to an open field and RACING! Then, we'll go into Valentine and get cleaned up for pictures! After that, we can head back here and just sit by the fire. Sounds like a plan?"

   "Sure." I make eye contact with Charles.

   "We'll be back in a few hours!" He nods, but frowns when you're out of sight. Why were you two going off alone for hours? Maybe he was overthinking it.

   Arthur and I make small talk as we ride in a trot. He tells me about all the running around he's been having to do lately. I asked him about his new horse.

   "Whiskey? Yeah, I got her a few days ago. She's been good since." I admire the palomino dapple. Her coat was so beautiful and she was a bit taller, but you could see how athletic she was. We reach the wildflower field. (h/n) already knowing what was going to go down started to prance. Arthur and I lined up next to each other.

    "Alright on 3. 1...2...3...!" (h/n) and Whiskey bolt and the race is on. Surprisingly Whiskey was ahead of (h/n) and was gaining ground. I urge (h/n) to put his all into it and he did. He huffed and started to gain more speed, passing Whiskey and Arthur. Bear was trying to keep up with us and managed to. His tongue was hanging way out of his mouth as he got to stretch his legs.

   "Whoo-hoo! Eat my dust, Morgan!" I giggle as we continue to ride hard. Whiskey tried to catch up but it was too late. (h/n) and I had already won. I slow him down to a trot and pat his neck giving him a lot of praise. Arthur chuckles.

   "That old bastard sure has speed to him." He pats his mare's neck too and we circle back to where we started the first race and decided to race again. Arthur won this time. Since we were going into town and Bear wasn't allowed to go into some places, I told him to go back to camp. Which he did.

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