Hunting for Food and O'Driscolls

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  "He ain't been seen in days. The weather ain't let up." Abigail says as me and the girls huddle by the fire.

   "He's strong and he's smart. Strong at least." Tilly replies. I snicker as Arthur walks in.

   "Hello, Arthur." Abigail greets Arthur. I sigh, I already know where this is going.

   "Abigail." She stands up and faces Arthur.

   " you doing?" Arthur looks at her suspiciously.

   "Just fine, Abigail...and you?"

   "I need you to...,"Arthur sighs and turns away from Abigail a bit,"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry to ask but..."

   "It's little John...he's got himself caught into a scrape again." the brown haired man groans. I groan with him, it's always John getting himself into trouble. He's like an annoying brother, he gets into trouble, you rescue him. It's an endless loop. I pat Bear who's beside me.

   "He ain't been seen in two..."Abigail lowers her voice a little before continuing,"two days."

   "Your John'll be fine. I mean...he may be as dumb as rocks and as dull as rusted iron...but that ain't changing because...he got caught in some snow storm." he scoffs. I just sit back and watch.

   "At least go take a look. Javier, (Y/N)?" Hosea beckons. Javier replies with a yes.

   "Sorry Hosea, I'm taking care of Mrs. Adler today and besides (H/N) could use a break. Poor boy, it's been hard on him and the rest of the horses." I reply and pat Bear's head softly, he pants.

   "Alright (Y/N). Javier, will you ride out with take a look for John? You're the two best fit men we've got."


   "She's...we're all...we're pretty worried about him." Hosea responds.

   "I know if the situation were reversed and...he'd look for me." Javier stands up and gives Arthur a gun as he walks out the door.

   "Thank you." the ravenette says to the both of them as they walk out of the pitiful cabin. See ya later.


   I was casually talking with Karen and Abigail when I heard a shout from Javier.

   "Come on! Someone help John down off this horse." I stand up and start to walk to the door.

   "Can we get some help here? Can we get some help? We need some help here!" Arthur shouts nonstop. I walk out of there.

   "Alright, alright! I'm on my way you idioti! (idiots)" I walk out of the door and to Boaz, Javier's horse.

   "C'mon, help him down."

   "You're alive! Oh you're alive!" Abigail runs out ahead of me. I smile and continue to walk. She was so in love with that fool, no matter how much she didn't want to admit it.

   "C'mon, here we go. There we go. Ay, careful idiotas, it's his leg." Javier scolds as they try to take John off of Boaz.

   "C'mon, let's get you warm. Thank you. Thank you both." She follows the three guys in. I stay outside and light up a cigarette. I take a match from my coat pocket and light it up with my boot. I take a long drag before making conversation with the two rescuers.

   "Well shit, you two are basically heroes now. What happened while you two were gone?" I say as I hand the cigarette over to Arthur, he smokes it before handing it back to me.

   "Found John at the cliffside of the mountain, but we weren't the first. Wolves got to him, tore at his face. He's gonna get a huge scar now." Arthur sighs, I laugh.

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