Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

May 13th

The next week at university, Tasha knew that it was a big mistake avoiding David. It was a big distraction right now and she couldn't concentrate on anything. It was the only thing she was thinking about and she didn't know what to do.

In the lecture that day, Tasha sat with her friends. She was also thinking about Emma's crush on Mr Wilson so she needed to sort that out as well.

"I still can't believe you threw a pen at this David dude," said Emily.

"I know, and it is so embarrassing. So, can we stop talking about it now?" replied Tasha. She wished that she could curl up into a ball and forget her actions the other day, "but there is something we have to talk about now."

"What is it?" asked Emma.

"You have a crush on my brother-in-law," replied Tasha. She finally decided now was the time to talk about it, "and I think I am going to have to tell him."

"No! Don't do that."


"Because he is married and it can't know that I have a crush on him."

"Well, why don't you stop having a crush on him?" asked Emily, stating the obvious.

Emma looked to the ceiling dreamily and fluttered her eyelids, "I can't just turn off my feelings for him."

Emily and Tasha smiled at each other, wishing that Sebastian was here. But he was off getting that sleeve tattoo he was talking about.

"But a crush isn't real," said Tasha.

"Only people who have never had a crush say that," replied Emma.

"We have all had crushes," said Emily, "remember when I told you I had a crush on Troy Parker?"

Tory Parker was a famous singer in his early twenties who every single girl in the whole entire world was in love with.

"Everyone has a crush on Troy Parker," said Emma.

"But I got over the crush on him because it wasn't real. I think Tasha is right in saying that you can't have a crush on her brother-in-law," replied Emily.

"Otherwise I will have to tell him," Tasha finished.

"Please, I beg you, don't tell him."

"But I think he suspects there is something going on."

"Just tell him that it isn't true."

"And you will get over the crush?"

"Mmm," Emma replied nervously, "I don't know."

"Come on, Em, you have to," said Emily.

"Okay, I will try."

"Thank you," said Tasha.

Tasha was glad that got that talk out of the way. Now she needed to get something else out of the way; apologizing to David.


A party was just what Adam needed, he believed, and now he knew that his favourite type of party was a beach party. A student from his course had organized a party to celebrate everyone reaching the end of semester one.

End of semester one.

Adam could not believe that he had made it to the end of semester one and a party was just what he needed before he would lock himself away in his room and study all day every day.

High School Story: University Life (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now