Goodbye To The Past

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I was shifting in the chair with sweat staining my chest and my blonde hair stuck to my skin and brow. My eyes were rolling around in the lids as my head twitched slightly while my brain was screaming splitting my skull in half. The sounds of electricity echoed into my ears, my normal hand twitched on my lap and the metal arm was braced on the arm rests. Images of my blurred past started to surface, memories I didn't know that I even had as my mind slipped into one.

The wind was whipping through my blonde hair as I kept my tight grip on the Red Skull with the sight of Steve, Bucky and the HYDRA base vanished from view above me

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The wind was whipping through my blonde hair as I kept my tight grip on the Red Skull with the sight of Steve, Bucky and the HYDRA base vanished from view above me. The Red Skull tried to break my grip from his neck until he managed to look at me eye to eye. As he tried to strike me into my abdomen with his hand I took the electric taser in my right hand and slammed it onto his face causing a small current to flow through the both of us. A small burn forms right along the long jagged cut that I inflicted with my Bo until I felt his arm grip my tasing hand and with a swift movement I felt him snap my wrist. A yell escaped from my lips breaking my grip from his neck even though I was still holding him with my left. With his neck partially freed he grips my throat with his hands tightening them as I could feel light headed. Soon my other arm drops from his neck separating the both of us as I feel a surging pain pierce my lower back and the Red Skull crashes into a cliff unleashing rocks as he continued to fall. Pain was all I felt while my body twists forward as I see an icy snowed ground coming into my view and I just closed my eyes getting ready to embrace the end. That is when I felt my body crash to the snow floor tumbled a small bit until I found myself lying on my back and my eyes slightly open seeing rocks come raining down around me. My eyes then just flutter close just listening to the sounds of the rocks crashing down around me until a deafening silence. My chest breaths were shallow, blood was in my throat and everything was numb around me. The cold winter wind was ripping across my pale skin while my body trembled and shivered against the cold wind along with the snow piercing my back. My blue eyes slowly opened to see the daybreak sky above me with snow falling touching my cheeks with my lips trembling against the chilled air. Weak gasps pushed through my lips, I tried to move but my body wouldn't respond to me. Everything from my neck down was paralyzed as I turned just my eyes to see a huge boulder crushing my right arm underneath. Blood was soaking the white snow around me; I could feel wetness on the side of my head and dripping from my lips. How the hell was I still alive? I could hear laughing while my eyes turned to the direction seeing the Red Skull limping slightly towards me.

"Amazing...even with a little serum running through your DNA it still managed to save you from death." The Red Skull smiled evilly, what did he mean? I didn't have the serum inside me. Then I remembered my first fight against the Red Skull when he pinned me in that headlock and sending a small sharp pain into my neck which caused me to pass out. That was why my neck ached for so long as I couldn't speak while he got closer to me then leaned down to look at my damaged broken body. His fingers traced the blonde strand from my face clearing the sight for me before giving me another evil smile.

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