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I was walking in a dark blue eyes couldn't see anything around me without any source of light as I spun around with each sound that flashed behind me. Glancing down I saw that I still had one arm, my normal arm while the other was gone; the metal one. It was obliterated by Stark's energy blast.

"Hello? Who's there?" I yelled into the darkness until only silence was my response until I turned around walking into something that caused me to stumble backwards. Moving forward I held my hand to embrace what I hit feeling a cold wet substance across my fingertips as I could only use my senses of touch, hearing, smell and taste right now. My fingers swished against the other to try to figure out the texture, it wasn't thick enough nor did it smell metallic to be blood. Soon a small light flicked on behind a spot light to show a chamber, the chamber that I spent most of seventy years of my life in. Stumbling backwards my heart was racing at the sight of the chamber before me, my stomach churned inside me as I felt sick. ""

"Добро пожаловать домой Shade..." a familiar voice replied (Welcome home Shade) I spun around seeing a figure outlined around by the spot light as I could see the reflection of metal in my eyes. Mine went was was Nightshade.

" can't be." I mumbled watching her take a step forward twirling the Bo in her one hand and kept her dead look in her eyes.

" I mumbled watching her take a step forward twirling the Bo in her one hand and kept her dead look in her eyes

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"Oh it is...this is who you are..." she smiled evilly I took a step backwards from her feeling my fear forming more in my body.

"No...I'm not..." I replied watching her take another step forward while I took one step backwards from her.

"Yes you are...I've always been here...locked away deep inside you. HYDRA released can never be rid of me." She smirked evilly taking two more steps towards me until I felt my back pin against something hard. I couldn't move anymore while she stopped looking up and down with her empty eyes. "You are me...I am are the partner of the Winter are Nightshade."

"No I'm not." I hissed until another metal arm braced across my neck sending me up into the air while I braced my flesh hand against the cold silver. The light flashed on above me as I could see the familiar metal arm braced under my chin. It was Bucky's...glancing slightly I could see it wasn't Bucky; it was him...the Winter Soldier. "Bucky...stop...this isn't you."

"I'm not Bucky..." he whispered before sending me flying across the room which I hit the chamber hard with my back then slid down seeing the both of them standing before me. My vision cleared when I saw the two were embracing, a wet sensation hit my cheek as I touched it to see it was blood. Looking up I saw blood dripping from the grated railings and the horror to where the source was. It came from Steve...his dead mangled body above me.

CONTROL (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes FanFic) A Captain America FanFic (3)Where stories live. Discover now