Female Terminator

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Ellie wasn't Ellie at the moment and she was twirling a blade in her metal fingers and pointing a gun in her other hand while she moved towards us.

"Ellie...it's us...It's Steve and Bucky..." I informed though she didn't stop moving until I saw the gun pointing at me now. Before I could speak again she fired the gun at me as I used my shield to deflect the bullets. To my right I saw Bucky frozen, I would've never thought he would freeze up in this moment. "Buck...help me here."


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"Ellie...it's me...you know me." He answered taking a step towards her while she turned the gun onto him forcing him to stop. The two former partners stared each other down lowering his gun from Ellie as she watched him intensively.

"Ты с ними рядом ... ты мой враг." She hissed (You side with them...you're my enemy) firing her gun at her former partner while he deflected the bullets with his metal arm. Before I could do anything Tony threw up his one hand sending a sonic blast at Ellie which repelled her backwards into the one chamber. Her back shattered in the glass until she landed near the tubes and was temporarily knocked out. Turning back to Tony I gave him a look while I turned to see Bucky have the look of shock on his face.

"Seriously Stark?" I asked watching him look over at me before lowering his hand from the side and we turned back to Ellie.

"Well it looked like the two of you couldn't stop her...you needed a bias person in this. Besides if it took Barnes here to get a bump to his head to break the control over him then that should snap Carter out of it." Tony reminded soon we heard a groan before we all turned to see Ellie emerge from the floor. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth as she spat it to the floor before cracking her neck. Her eyes flicked open as the look of emptiness still remained and now she looked even more pissed. "Or not..." Just as he spoke Ellie charged at the three of us with rage in her eyes jumping into the air striking me hard into his chest, I stumbled backwards while Bucky grabbed the girl into his grip. She held him close to her while she squirmed into his grip until she slammed the back of her head into Bucky's face forcing his grip to loosen and she used his weight to flip him to the floor. Once she did that she turned to Stark who held up his hand ready to fire his blast again until I got in his way grabbing her and throwing her across the room.

  "All go after Zemo...you two handle female terminator." Stark replied taking off into the air then flew into the tunnel while I saw Bucky regaining his footing and I saw Ellie standing up again.

"I thought a blow to her head would bring her back...." I wondered blocking Ellie's next strike while she began to spar Bucky and I on her own. Soon she managed to overpower both us tossing us to the side like we were two rag dolls as she made her way to retrieve her gun from the floor. "I don't get it, it worked for you."

"The Nightshade Protocol

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"The Nightshade Protocol..." Bucky whispered I turned my eyes to face him confused while I snapped my head forward seeing Ellie pick up her gun and fired it at us. Bucky and I dove behind one of the chamber walls allowing the bullets to bounce off the rubble until she was forced to reload.

"What the hell is the Nightshade Protocol?" I asked in between each bullet that hit the chamber that was braced on our backs.

"It's another code word that HYDRA imprinted into Ellie's brainwashing process...when they first tried to use them on us she broke through and ended up killing two scientists. They managed to detain her and decided to add another code word into her commands, this one allowed them to command her to follow whoever recited them and she would comply. Saying her name in Russian activates the code." Bucky explained while the both of us moved from one side of the chamber to another when Ellie headed towards our hiding spots.

"Anyway to break it?" I asked looking at Bucky who shook his head no towards me making my stomach twist because now I had no idea how to help her. Soon Ellie spotted us turning her gun to us and began firing again which I threw up my shield to protect the both of us. "So what do we do now?"

"We fight her until we finally knock her out and then we'll figure out what to do after that." Bucky answered I nodded while Bucky moved away so he could get behind her taking aim but he couldn't shoot her, he couldn't hurt her...I saw the look in his eyes and I knew what that look was. He loved her...it was killing him and soon Ellie whipped her head at him knocking the gun from his grip then she kicked him hard enough to knock him into the chamber. She was about to fire her gun again when I got behind her grabbing her and throwing her through the next glass chamber behind us. She regained her stance before charging at me again, she threw a few moves which I attempted to block though she was a lot faster when she was ruthless.

 She regained her stance before charging at me again, she threw a few moves which I attempted to block though she was a lot faster when she was ruthless

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"Ellie...stop! It's us...it's Steve! Come back to us!" I yelled in the midst of each breath and gasp that escaped from my lips while I continued to fight her. Bucky stood charging at her which she anticipated as she took us both on like we were standing still. She caught Bucky's metal arm with hers then spun it around into a lock preventing him from using it and she slammed her foot into my stomach. With a swift jerk of her arm she popped Bucky's metal arm slightly out of place before he grabbed her throat with his free hand.

"Ellie...it's me...you know me. Come on remember...remember what happened between us." He replied she just ripped his hand from her neck took him by his collar and threw him at me. He collided into me forcing us both to fall to the floor while she spun holding the two small staffs on her backside. Bucky and I struggled to get back onto our feet watching her pull both staffs from the holster preparing for her next strike.

"Ellie...please..." I begged watching her throw her staffs at me while I tried to avoid them and soon one hit me straight into the gut and she spun a kick sending me backwards. She spun the staffs again ready for the next strike while I saw Bucky lowered his head for a moment then he turned to look at me and I looked at him.

"You aren't going to get through to her Steve...she's not the Ellie you once knew. She's Nightshade...the Winter Soldier's former partner...my former partner." Bucky exclaimed spitting the blood that was in his mouth then looked at Ellie ahead of him.

"What's your point?" I asked watching him slowly start to rise onto his feet while I followed pursuit seeing Ellie spin both batons in her hands now ready for the fight.

"I am the only one who can break her out of this...you need to go help Stark with that shrink. I'll take care of Ellie." He answered I turned my gaze to Bucky looking at him like he was absolutely insane.

"I'm not going to leave you both...not again." I exclaimed watching her take a step towards the two of us from the far distance.

"And if you don't go now then Zemo will get away. You can't help Ellie if that bastard gets away and this is just a taste to what Ellie is capable of. I know what she's fully capable of...I'll get her back Steve. Now go!" Bucky ordered I didn't like the idea but I knew that Bucky was right, he was the only one who knew about Ellie's skills and he was the only one who could bring Ellie back. Nodding I took off running from them heading towards the tunnel and went to find Stark and Zemo.

~~Oh boy The Nightshade Protocol...can Bucky snap her out of it?~~

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