Nightshade V.S. The Winter Soldier

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Taking a step in front of Ellie I lifted my gun that I had holster on my backside pointing it at her which she stopped for a moment tilting her head at me. My hand twitched a small bit which I saw a small evil smile perch onto her face.

 My hand twitched a small bit which I saw a small evil smile perch onto her face

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            "И я думал, что мой партнер там." she smirked (And I thought my partner was in there) twirling the batons in her grip again while I kept my gun trained on her. No matter how much I wanted to press the trigger I couldn't, I couldn't hurt Ellie and by the look in her eye she knew I wouldn't fire it.

 No matter how much I wanted to press the trigger I couldn't, I couldn't hurt Ellie and by the look in her eye she knew I wouldn't fire it

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            "Нет оружия ... рука об руку ... как в старые времена." I replied (No weapons...hand to hand like the old days) lowering then dropping my gun from my hand to the floor by my feet. My blue eyes locked onto Ellie as she smirked dropping both of her batons to the floor before her hands cracked when she closed them into fists. "I don't want to hurt you Ellie but looks like I don't have a choice."

            "Дайте мне свой лучший снимок." She answered (Give me your best shot) I watched her charge at me as I took in a deep breath and prepared myself for her next strikes. She jumped into the air sending her metal arm at me as I caught it with mine bringing her over my shoulder sending her body to the side. Still gripping her arm I pushed her into an arm bar but I knew her way to get out of this as I looked back seeing her leg striking me in the jaw. Stumbling back she swept both of my legs sending me to the floor and I back rolled away when she flipped sending her heel down to the floor. Looking up at me as I stood she ran at me slamming her whole body into me forcing us to slam into the concrete pod, I slammed my regular arm onto her back hoping to break her grip but that just caused her to tense up more. Her hands wrapped around my waist as she used her strength to lift me into the air and threw me backwards to the floor below. She kick flipped up to her feet spinning to look at me while I moved back onto my knees with some blood drizzling from my lips as I spat it out on the floor.

"Это все, что у вас есть? Вы пошли мягко, Shade." I snickered (Is that all you got? You've gone soft, Shade) seeing the fury start to fill her brow as she charged at me. Her body collided into me as I used her momentum against her, taking her body I threw her into the control panel as her body toppled over to the floor. I prayed that would work until I saw her rise with the same hard stare in her eyes and I knew it didn't. "Ellie...come are stronger than this. Fight it...fight the commands. You've done it before...I know you can do it now! Come on Ellie!"

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