Chapter 1

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Harry sighed as he looked at the entrance of the University gates.

This is it.


Harry had been preparing his life for this. And finally, he's here.

Harry took a deep breath as he went back inside the car "To your dorm now, Harry?" His driver asked as Harry nodded "Yeah, lets go" Harry answered as the car started to drive off. As Harry reached his dorm, the driver got off first and grabbed Harry's bags as Harry got out of the car looking at the dorm "Okay, this way" the driver said as Harry followed.

As the driver opened Harry's dorm, Harry looked at the whole room. The driver put down the bags as he face Harry "I think you're all set. Well then, call me if you need anything okay?" the driver said as Harry nodded "Thanks" Harry said as the driver left, closing the door.

Harry then looked around his room, this is good that he's alone. He doesn't want any roommates anyway and thinking about roommates, they might kill him on his sleep.

Harry sat on his bed as he pulled his suitcase towards him and laid it out on the floor as he opened the bag and began to rummage through his clothes. Harry grabbed his shirts and put it on the side of the bed as he arranged his clothes by colors.

After that, Harry stood and went towards the cabinet and open it up as he put his clothes there and after that, he grabbed his books, binder and other school supplies and put it at his desk. Then he grabbed his laptop, speakers and put it on his desk as well.

After putting everything in place, he saw a window. Harry's spine shivers as he saw an open window. Seeing an open window brings back bad memories when Harry saw his father got shot in front of his eyes as his head hit his platter.

Harry's eyes cried as he missed his dad. He's been missing his dad for 2 years now. After his father's death, Harry had been afraid to go out ever since but his Stepmother helped Harry to get over his father's death and convinced Harry to go to college. And now, he's here. Harry went towards the open window and closed the blinds.

"Keep calm Harry. You can do this" Harry said to himself.


Zayn removed his sunglasses as he looked at the gates from his car "Here we are" Zayn muttered as he drive inside and went to his dorm.

When he reached his dorm, Zayn parked his car and turned off the engine and grabbed his bags at the backseat of his car. Then Zayn made his way through the steps and continued his way to his room. He opened the door and put his bags on the floor and looked at his window and there, he saw a Curly haired guy who just closed his blinds shut.

Zayn smirked, this is great! Harry's just at another building, Zayn can kill him easily.

Zayn went to his bags and grabbed his things and grabbed his clothes and put it on the cabinet and after that, he grabbed Harry's schedule.

He'll follow Harry around and will get a chance to kill him.

For now, Zayn wants to play with Harry because after all, he has 3 days to kill him.

"Zayn, are you there? Over" Zayn heard his radio sounded as Zayn grabbed it on his bag "I'm here, over" Zayn responded "Good you made it. So, seen your target yet?" Liam asked as Zayn pressed the button "Yeah I did. This will be over in no time" Zayn said as the radio sounded "Okay, three days Zayn. Three days" Liam said "Got it, over and out!" Zayn said as he tossed the radio on his bed "This is gonna be fun" Zayn whispered.

The next day, Zayn woke up early because Harry's classes is early in the morning. He can't even remember the last time he'd woken up early.

Zayn groaned as he pulled his body up and grabbed his towel and went to the bathroom. He took a shower and after that, he wore his simple clothes, jeans, black shirt and converse shoes. He grabbed his bag and put his disassembled rifle on his bag. He swing his bag and went towards the door and exited his room.

Zayn walked towards the campus as he looked for the building and his room.

Harry cautiously walked outside the university.

He wanted some chocolate and there's a nearest cafe just outside the university. As Harry saw the cafe, his heart calmed.

Harry went inside the cafe and ordered chocolate frappe and one glazed doughnut. As he received his order, Harry look at his time as its only 6:30AM. Harry relaxed for a while as he sipped his frappe and ate his doughnut in peace.

As he sipped his frappe, he looked at his time again as his eye widened, its already past 7AM, how did that happened?! Harry gulped down ha frappe as he immediately exited the cafe. Harry ran inside the campus as he looked for the building of his class. As Harry found the building, he went inside and looked for his classroom and when he found it, he opened the door and went inside as the student's eyes all landed on him.

Harry gulped "Well, good morning" Harry's eyes landed on their professor "And your name is?" Their professor asked as Harry cleared his throat "Sorry I'm late Professor, my name's Harry. Harry Styles" Harry said as the professor checked his name "Okay, look for a seat Mr Styles" Harry nodded as he looked for a sit.

Harry found a sit near a brunette guy with blue eyes "Hey" the blue eyed guy said as Harry smiled "Hi" the blue eyes guy smiled. Harry sat next to him as he grabbed his binder and pen. Harry then wrote down everything on what's their professor are saying.

Zayn snickered at the back. Seeing his target, he's amused.

Harry's clumsier and he's gonna be dead in no time.

Zayn was bored the rest of the class. He's been dozing a couple of times as he dreamt of schemes on how to kill his target.

"Okay class, do your research and pass it next meeting. Class dismiss" the professor said as the students started to scatter "Hey!" Zayn spun around as he saw a girl with red hair and lipstick "Hey, Name's Honey. Wanna hangout?" the girl asked as Zayn looked at her from top to bottom, she looks good but, Zayn isn't here for hooking up, he's here on a mission "Sorry love" Zayn replied as The girl look at him with wide eyes "Excuse me" Zayn said as he excused himself leaving the girl.

Zayn look at Harry as he saw him went inside the library.

Of course! With a face like that, he'll be at the library. Where else could he go? As Harry went inside the library, Zayn ran off to go to the teachers building's roof just across the library. As Zayn made it to the roof, he saw Harry sat near the window.

Zayn grabbed his rifle and set it up and seeing Harry in the window, Zayn smirked "That's a wrong place to sit" Zayn said as he placed his rifle and aimed it to Harry as Zayn was about to pull the trigger, Harry leaned his head on the desk and out of Zayn's sight.

The wall is blocking is Harry! 

"Fuck!" Zayn tsked as he waited for Harry to got up but he didn't "Is he sleeping?!" Zayn muttered as he waits for Harry's head to appear but he didn't "He is fucking sleeping" Zayn whispered.

// A/N: Chapter 1 is up! Yieee so how did you find it so far? Zayn's gonna kill Harry! Will he succeed or fail? Whoahahahahaha. Chapter 2 will be up soon!

Thank you guys for the reads!

Spread love and not hate

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