Chapter 2

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Harry yawned as he slowly opened his eyes and looked around, huh he fell asleep.

He looked at the time and saw that's already close to noon and he thinks he's the only one left at the library. Harry stretched his arms as he ruffled his curls when he saw a red dot on his chest.

Harry touched the red dot "What's this?" Harry muttered as his eyes widened seeing that its a laser!

Yes! This is a laser! He saw this when his father got killed!

Harry's heart suddenly beat fast as he ducked and hid at the desk as he heard a gunshot. Harry squealed, he must do something! He must run! So Harry did that.

He took a deep breath as he slowly stood and run for his life as gunshots can be heard. Harry looked back, as he saw bullets trailing behind him. Harry run until he reached the door of the library and when he did, the gunshots stopped.

Harry catches his breath as he ran back to his dorm. He closed his door, locked it and moved his desk behind the door. He grabbed his phone and dialed his Stepmothers number "Hi, This is Roxane, I'm at a meeting today so I can't get to my phone right now but leave a message. Thank you" Harry groaned as he threw the phone on his bed.

Harry then leaned his back towards the window as he took a peek at the blinds. Harry then sat at the floor and brought his knees up to his chest and curled his hands on it, calming himself.

When night came, Harry's eyes are still wide open.

He hadn't eaten anything yet and still, he's terrified. He can't believe someone wanted him dead. Harry lied down on his bed as he tried to sleep. He still has classes tomorrow and he needs to be focused.

But how can he focus when someone's trying to kill him?

But Harry tried sleeping anyway.

And when he did, he heard his door opened and Harry sat up to bed, looking at a silhouette "Hello?" Harry called "Who are you?" Harry asked as that silhouette came closer to him and sat at the edge of his bed. Harry brought his knees up to his chest "Hello?" Harry called again but the silhouette wasn't responding.

Harry slowly crept towards the silhouette as that silhouette came near Harry as he saw hands and arms that went to his neck as the silouhette squeezes it like an orange, choking him. Harry has trouble breathing as the hands gripped his neck even stronger.

Harry suddenly felt his soul leaving his body when—Harry gasped, hardly breathing for air. Harry sat on his bed and he looked around.

He's still at the comforts of his room and nobody's there but him. Harry wiped the sweat from his neck as he deeply sighed "I'm being haunted" Harry mumbled as he look at the time and it's just 4AM. Harry groaned, he can't sleep no more!

He's too terrified.

Harry tried his best to be calm. He has classes and he'll try his best not to freak out. Harry walked the campus with cautiousness as he clutched his bag on his chest. After his morning classes, Harry immediately went back to his dorm and as usual, he locked his door and covered it with his desk.

He doesn't want to get killed out in the open. He focus himself on his research about mythologies since he needed to pass it the next day. Harry booted up his laptop and sat on his bed, away from the window.

A few hours later, someone knocked on his door. Harry stopped typing as he looked at the door. Harry gulped, is the killer gonna kill him on his room?

It knocked again as Harry put his laptop on his bed as he tiptoed towards the door. Harry listened once more as it knocked again "Who is it?" Harry softly asked as he waited for an answer "Hi.....this is Zayn" Harry heard a deep and thick accent "Zayn?" Harry asked as Zayn from the other side of the door smiled "Yeah, we're classmates at the our mythology class with Professor Smith?" Zayn said as he heard that Harry wasn't answering.

"Yeah. So what do you want?" Harry asked "I need some help. On my research. I saw you being so focused in class so I thought to ask for your help" Zayn reasoned as he waited for Harry to respond.

And after a few minutes, Zayn heard a something being dragged away from the door and a click as the door slightly opened "Hey, I'm sorry but what do you need me for?" Harry asked as Zayn smiled "Your help on our research. I couldn't seem to know who or what god to research" Zayn answered "Uh okay. Um wait" Harry said as he closed the door and in a minute, Harry fully opened the door with his laptop on his side.

Seeing Harry this close, Zayn's was......mesmerized.

Zayn didn't realize that he has beautiful green eyes and those curls, they look so soft and silky. His face is far different from his document photo.

"Hi" Zayn smiled as Harry looks nervous. Harry met Zayn's gaze as he gave out a small smile "Oh hey uhm, what did you say your name was?" Harry asked "It's Zayn" Zayn answered as Harry stepped out of his room "Is it okay if we'll work at the cafe? I mean, I'm not comfortable working inside my room" Harry reasoned.

The truth is, he doesn't want to be alone with anyone. He might kill Harry and not be noticed. Zayn nodded "Sure" Zayn answered.

Zayn's plan was to kill Harry on his room in subtle way but Harry's clever though, he wants to work at the cafe. So fine.

Harry closed the door and walk past Zayn "Do you know where the cafe is?" Harry asked as they walk towards the main door of the dorm "I haven't really toured the place" Zayn answered as Harry smiled "Okay. Lets go" Harry said as they continued to walk.

When Zayn and Harry past by the library, Harry's skin prickles remembering what happened to him yesterday. Zayn can see that Harry's terrified and that's good because he did that "Have you heard the news?" Zayn asked as Harry look at him "News? What news?" Harry asked "The library got wrecked. They saw holes on the desk and shelves. Must be gunshots" Zayn said as Harry's spine shivers and his face suddenly became pale "I wonder what could have happened" Zayn added as Harry gulped as he clutched his laptop on his chest tighter "Hey are you alright?" Zayn asked Harry, even though he knows he's not.

He's teasing him "Huh? Of course" Harry replied.

When they've arrived at the cafe, Harry found a table near the wall. He sat and waited for Zayn. Zayn sat opposite to him as Harry opened his laptop "So—" Harry started "You said you don't know what god you'll do your research on?" Harry asked as Zayn nodded with a smile "I'm doing Artemis, the goddess of moon and chastity" Harry said as Zayn can't stop staring at his green eyes.

Harry then looked at Zayn from his laptop "You wanna be Apollo?" Harry said as Zayn was lost on his eyes for a second "Huh?"

"Apollo, Artemis's twin. The god of a lot things" Harry said as Zayn nodded "Sure, whatever" Zayn responded as Harry look at him weirdly "So, aren't you gonna write it down? don't have a pen and binder?" Harry asked as Zayn chuckled. He grabbed his phone and showed it to Harry "Got a phone" Zayn said as Harry shrugged "Okay then. You can google Apollo" Harry said.

This is gonna be fun.

// A/N: Oh Zayn, you're teasing poor Harry. He almost got killed. And I think, Zayn isn't a skillfull Hitman now, is he? lol! So what do you guys think so far? Is it boring? This will be fast phasing story—it's a short AU after all.

Wow, Thank you guys for your comments! I enjoyed reading them. And also thank you for voting! I love you! ❤️

Spread love and not hate

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