Chapter 3

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Harry and Zayn worked on their research.

Well mostly Harry since Zayn isn't working because all this college crap is just a disguise.

Zayn was just looking at his phone, trying to figure out on how to kill Harry. While Harry, he's focus on his research. Harry took a glance at Zayn as he examined his face. He has this thick eyebrows, thick lashes and wow, Harry admired his beautiful brown eyes. But Harry looked closely as he saw that his eyes aren't brown. They're more like Hazel. And wow, they're beautiful.

Zayn's eyes met his as Harry immediately averted his gaze, away from Zayn. Harry cleared his throat as he continued to type. Zayn watches over Harry he stared at his face. He looked like a fragile guy who belongs to a luxurious family and he seems well sheltered "So Harry" Harry lifted his head up as he look at Zayn "Yeah?"

"What's your story?" Harry tilted his head to the side "What story?" Harry asked as Zayn propped his elbow at the table and tucked his chin on his hand "What's your family background? Your story?" Zayn asked again as Harry bit his bottom lip, thinking.

He then sighed "Well, I'm just me" Harry chuckled "I mean, I'm Harry Styles. My family owns a communication company. I'm the only son and after I graduated College, I'll possibly be the one to handle the company" Harry shrugged "Interesting. The only heir to a big company" Zayn said "I really don't like to be the heir" Harry responded "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't want to run a whole company. I want to do something else" Harry said as Zayn was intrigued "Okay. So what do you want to do?" Zayn asked as Harry pondered "Well, I want to bake. I want to have my own bakeshop or cafe someday" Harry answered as Zayn was amazed.

Wow, for a rich guy who has everything in a silver platter, he wanted to have his own dream and way "That's good. Why not tell your parents then?" Zayn replied as Harry's expression dimmed "Actually, my father is dead. He uh—got assassinated, right in front of my eyes" Harry softly said as Zayn wanted to smile because they killed his father but seeing Harry, his eyes sad and lonely, he suddenly felt.....bad

"I'm sorry about that" Zayn responded as Harry look at Zayn "Uh yeah. But I'm trying to move on from it" Harry said "So, who's taking charge of your company now?" Zayn asked "My Stepmother. She was my Fathers secretary before, they got engaged, fell inlove and married her. She said, after I finish college, she'll hand me the job as the CEO" Harry said as Zayn listened.

Harry realized that he talked too much, to a stranger. He stopped and look at Zayn "I said too much" Harry said as Zayn chuckled "That's okay. I love listening" Zayn replied as Harry stared at Zayn.

Zayn gave him a sweet smile as Harry blushed and averted his gaze "Well, I—I think I'm done with my work. Uh, are—Are you done with yours?" Harry stuttered as Zayn showed him his phone "I think I am" Zayn said as Harry nodded and saved his work "Well then, I think we're done" Harry smiled as Zayn's heart flutters right there, seeing his dimples and sparkle in his green eyes "Yeah. I think we are" Harry closed his laptop and stood as Zayn followed and after that, they exited the cafe.

When they're already at the exit, Zayn stopped Harry "Oh, I forgot something" Zayn said as Harry waited for Zayn as he went back to the cafe and in a minute, Zayn returned with cup of coffee and cupcakes in his hands "Uh here—" Zayn gave it to Harry "What's this for?" Harry asked as Zayn grinned "A little thank you gift" Zayn said "For helping me for our research" Zayn added with a wide smile as Harry's heart thumped.

Wow, no one had ever given him this kind of token "Uh thank you" Harry shyly said "Listen I gotta go somewhere but I'll see you tomorrow at class okay?" Zayn said as Harry nodded "Thank you for this!" Harry said indicating to the coffee and cupcake "No problem. See you!" Zayn said as he started to walk but then he spun around to face Harry "You should try the strawberry cupcake. It's delicious and you" Zayn said as he spun around and continued to walk away.

Hearing Zayn's words, Harry's cheeks blushed, did he really think that Harry's sweet?

Harry then smiled seeing the cupcake and coffee. Harry went back toward his dorm as he closed the door and locked it.

He put the cupcake on the desk and same as the coffee. He put down his laptop and stared at the cupcake and coffee.

And remembering Zayn saying he's sweet, his heart thumped.


Zayn woke up as he smiled.

He stretched his arms and took a deep breath.

This day is gonna be an awesome one because for sure, Harry Styles is dead.

You see, Zayn put poison syrup on the coffee and on the cupcake. And in just one bite or sip of the coffee, Harry will surely be dead. Zayn arranged his clothes on his bag and his rifle and after that, he turned on his radio to give update to Liam "Liam, are you there? Over" Zayn said as the radio made a static sound "Come in Zayn, are you here for status update?" Liam asked as Zayn smiled "Yes Over"

"So is the target dead?"

"Yep! But I need to go and check it—" Zayn's words got held when he saw Harry walking freely. He's alive and breathing!

Zayn groaned "Liam! I gotta go, over and out" Zayn said as he threw his radio at the bed. Zayn exited his room and went out of his dorm. He looked for Harry as he saw him walking towards the campus "Harry!" Zayn called as he caught up to him.

Harry spun around and smiled seeing Zayn "Oh hi Zayn! Good morning" Harry greeted as Zayn smiled back "Uhm, so how was the cupcake?" Zayn asked as Harry looked at him with a confused face but then smile as he remembered the cupcake "It was delicious! The strawberry filling melts in my mouth" Harry said as Zayn can sense that he's lying.

Harry's smile faded as he sighed "Sorry Zayn, I didn't ate the cupcake since I'm allergic to strawberries and I didn't drank the coffee either because I don't drink coffee. Now I feel bad!" Harry said.

Zayn smiled, Harry's so cute.

Wait, what?

"If it will make you feel any better, wanna go to dinner with me later evening?" Zayn asked as Harry's heart thumped. Is he......asking him out?!

"It's just a small date" Zayn said rubbing his nape as Harry slightly gave out a blush "Uhm okay? Where do you want to eat?" Harry asked as Zayn smiled "It's a surprised! I'll pick you up later" Zayn said as Harry sweetly smiled and nodded "That's great, I guess" Harry said as Zayn grinned "Okay, shall we go to class?" Zayn asked as Harry nodded with a smile.

And Harry started to wonder, is it possible to like someone you've just met days ago?

// A/N: Oooooh Zayn's making Harry fall. This is exciting! Zaynie! Don't hurt Harry's heart! He's fragile and naive 😂

Well, thank you guys for the reads, votes and comments! 😘

Spread love and not hate!

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