Chapter 4

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Harry's a nervous wrecked.

This is the first time that someone asked him to have dinner with him. And that someone is a handsome, tan skinned with loads of tattoo under his sleeves and Harry like his tattoos.

Zayn must be creative having those kind of tattoos.

Harry sighed, good thing Zayn is there, his mind had been occupied and he's not thinking too much of the shooting incident.

Its weird that his stepmom hadn't called him back. Is she not worried?

Harry shake his head as he took a shower. After showering, Harry picked up his best clothes to wear tonight. He grabbed his black polo and wore his tight jeans and black boots then he put on some cologne and look at his self at the mirror as he ruffled his curls and smiled "This is it" Harry mumbled as he heard a knock on the door.

Harry's heart beat fast as he looked at the door "Zayn?" Harry called "Yeah, I'm here" Zayn replied as Harry took a deep breath and inhaled and exhaled.

He slowly went towards the door and opened it revealing Zayn and seeing him, Harry's heart skipped its beat—he looks so handsome wearing a black leather jacket with white shirt underneath, black jeans and his black converse shoes.

As for Zayn, his mouth hanged open seeing how sexy Harry is, exposing his smooth skin through his black silky polo "Uh hey" Harry shyly said as Zayn closed his mouth and cleared his throat "Hey Harreh, you ready?" Zayn asked as Harry nodded.

They both walked the pavement towards the restaurant that Zayn googled. The restaurant was just a walking distance to the Uni, its just past by the cafe. And when they got there, Zayn opened the door for Harry as Harry can't help but feel all giddy inside.

When they've reached the inside of the restaurant, Zayn went towards the front desk "Hi" Zayn greeted as the girl behind the computer smiled at Zayn "Good evening sir and welcome to the Grand Castle, do you have reservation?"

"Uh yes. That's Zayn Malik" the lady tapped on her computer and after that, she smile "Table for two for Zayn Malik" The lady said "Right this way" The lady said as Zayn nodded and grabbed Harry by his elbow.

They followed the lady as she led them to their sits and when they're comfortably sitting, the lady said to bring a waiter to take their orders. Zayn thanked her as she left.

Zayn look at Harry who's a little shaky "Are you alright?" Zayn asked as Harry look at him "You said small dinner. Zayn, this is grand!" Harry said as Zayn chuckled "Its nice isn't? First dates should always be nice" Zayn answered as Harry's eyes widened "Fi—first date?!" Harry gasped "Sorry I didn't told you that this is a date" Zayn said as Harry smiled "No worries, I like it" Harry responded as Zayn smiled back "Now, lets order!" Zayn said as they picked up the menu and look for something to eat.

Back at the Malik's real estate, Liam was happily eating dinner when the intercom sounded "Sir Liam?" The lady, Joan, the front desk officer called as Liam pressed the answer button "Yes Joan?"

"Sir Yaser is on Video call" Joan said as Liam's eyes widened "Right. Thank you Joan" Liam said as he went over the monitor and booted it up and when the monitor powered on, Yaser's face came to view "Good evening sir!" Liam smiled "Liam, our client is asking about Harry Styles. Did Zayn take care of him yet?" Yaser asked as Liam nervously chuckled "He said he'll get it done—"

"Its been three days already and Zayn hadn't reported that the target is dead" Yaser barged in "The client is anxious. If Zayn can't get it done, I'll tell Rodger to finish the job for him"

"Sir, let Zayn take care of this. I'm sure he'll get the job done" Liam said as Yaser shook his head "I'll call Rodger" and with that, Yaser was offline.

This is trouble.

// A/N: Yaser, your son is having a date with his target instead of killing him. That's a total cliche. Haha. Anyway, thank you guys for the reads! And votes and comments! I love you! 😘😘

Spread love and not hate

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