Chapter 5

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After ordering their food, Harry and Zayn talked about their lives.

Well, mostly Harry was the one who's sharing than Zayn.

"So do you have past relationships before?" Zayn asked as Harry chuckled "No I didn't. As you can see, I'm a little naive when it comes to dating. I don't really date. I prefer to stay home and read books"

"You love books huh?"

"Yes! They're the only ones who can take me away from all this stress and pressure" Harry answered "Pressure?" Zayn questioned "Pressure for being the next CEO" Harry answered "You know, I don't really dream to be a CEO. My father wanted that dream and since I'm the only heir, I have no choice but to follow his dream right?" Harry said as Zayn realized something.

Something he had been questioning for his self for a long time.

He'd been a hitman for  3 years now and he keeps on questioning himself if this is really what he wants or is he just following his father's dreams?

"Zayn?" Zayn blinked as he was cut from his trance.

He look at Harry "You got quiet, are you okay?" Harry asked as Zayn smiled and nodded "Of course" he simply answered.

After eating their dinner, Zayn ordered champagne.

The waiter poured them each a glass as Zayn raised his glass and smiled "To our first date!" Zayn said as Harry smiled, he loves hearing that they're on a date "To our first date" Harry softly said.

Zayn took a sip as Harry put his glass down the table "What about you Zayn?"

"What about me?"

"What do you want to do in life after college?" Harry asked as Zayn thought for a moment. He hadn't really thought about what to do with his life. All he know is, he's a hitman and his father wanted him to be that together with his brother, Rodger.

Zayn had been questioning himself if he really wanted to be a hitman for the rest of his life. But tonight, hearing Harry's stories on how he wanted to be a baker and not a CEO, Zayn now know what he wants "I wanted to be an artist" Zayn replied as Harry's eyes lit up "Ooh a artist, what kind? Portrait, tattoo, mural or—?" Harry asked as Zayn smiled "All sorts. But mostly painting. I like to paint" Zayn replied "That's amazing! So what's stopping you?" Harry asked.

Zayn stared at Harry, he couldn't tell him.

He shouldn't have opened up to him. Harry's eyes looked at Zayn with curiosity as Zayn chuckled "Lets just cheers to that!" He said as Harry sighed "You know—" Harry started "Whatever that's stopping you from grabbing your dreams, you shouldn't listen to them. Listen to your own voice. They're your dreams after all—" Harry ran his fingers at the rim of the champagne class "I believe you can be a great artist Zayn. You should pursue it" Harry gave Zayn an assuring smile "Lets toast!" Harry said as chuckled.

Harry was about to drink from the glass when Zayn grabbed the glass out of Harry's hand and poured the champagne from the floor.

Harry's eyes widened seeing what Zayn did "Zayn?! What?!" Harry asked with wide eyes as Zayn was also shocked of what he did.

Earlier, Zayn already put poison on Harry's glass a.k.a Strychnine. Once he'll take in the poison into his body, he'll slowly die, with a little agony before that, of course. But Zayn changed his mind.

Harry has many hopes and dreams to achieve and killing him is beyond Zayn's capabilities now. It's like Harry triggered a button that Zayn suddenly became soft over Harry.

He can't kill someone as beautiful as Harry.

"Mind explaining why you threw my drink?" Harry asked as Zayn stared at him "Uh, I thought you're allergic to champagne?" Zayn reasoned and its a dumb one.

Harry raised his brow "I'm not. I'm only allergic to strawberries, not champagne" Harry answered as Zayn gave out a chuckle "Oh silly me, right?" Zayn said as Harry looked at him weirdly "Huh, you hadn't had a couple of glass of champagne but you're acting like you're drunk" Harry said as Zayn smiled "Forgive me?" Zayn gave out his sweetest smile as Harry can't resist his hazel eyes and his beautiful smile, Harry's heart is thumping so hard seeing how cute Zayn is "Of course you are" Harry answered.

Zayn's feeling the real shit towards Harry. A feeling of liking someone.

//A/N: OHMAMAMIA! Zayn! Zayn! Changed his mind! Harry isn't that hard to like, right? With those adorable green eyes and dimples—who couldn't resist him?

Soooooo I made Rodger the oldest in this story and nope, Rodger and Zayn aren't twins. Rodger is a year older than Zayn. Sooo yeah.

Ugh guys! My story is getting cliche now! Lol! But still, thank you for reading, voting and commenting! I really REALLY appreciated it 😂😍

Spread love and not hate!

Change of heart (ZARRY AU)Where stories live. Discover now