Chapter 6

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After dinner, Zayn and Harry walked side by side towards their campus. Zayn's still confused why he suddenly backed out from killing Harry.

Zayn took a glance at Harry, he can't possibly kill him.

He's too beautiful, inside and out.

Harry then look at Zayn as he smiled "What are you looking at me for?" Harry asked as Zayn chuckled and pocketed his hands on his black leather jacket pockets "I just realized that you're so beautiful" Zayn softly said, not looking at Harry as Harry's whole face turned red.

Did Zayn really said that?! Harry doesn't know how to react. So, he gave out an awkward laugh "Thank you?" Harry responded with a question mark at the end as Zayn chuckled "Not only beautiful but cute too" Zayn smiled as Harry's heart did backflips.

Harry can't believe that this beautiful and gorgeous guy beside him is telling him these overwhelming words! Harry blushed some more "You're—you're gorgeous too" Harry whispery said as Zayn's ears twitch, hearing flowery words came from Harry is music to his ears.

"So, this is me" Harry said as they both stopped in front of Harry's dorm.

Zayn look at his dorm and at Harry "I wish this night won't end" Zayn said as Harry smiled "Me too" Harry responded as Zayn slowly stepped closer to Harry.

Harry's breathing hitched as he can feel Zayn closer to him. Harry gulped and his heart is pounding so hard on his chest "I guess, see you later?" Zayn whispered as he smiled as Harry nodded and smiled back "See you later" Harry responded as Zayn leaned in closer as Harry can feel his warmth.

Harry closed his eyes as he readied himself for a kiss on his lips when—Zayn kissed him on his forehead. But that's okay since feeling Zayn's lips on his forehead made his heart skipped a beat.

Zayn slowly backed away as he plastered a goofy smile on his face "Good night Harreh" Zayn said as Harry smiled widely, his cheeks red "Good night Zayn" Harry wave a hand at him as Zayn spun around and continued to walk to his dorm.

As Zayn reached his room at his dorm, he leaned his back against the door and felt his heartbeat "What are you doing Zayn?! How did Harry changed your mind?!" Zayn muttered as he went towards the window and look at Harry's closed window.

You've never been like this before, why did you changed your mind now?

Zayn's head is rambling, he's so confused about his mission and for being a hitman. The only thing he's not confused about is what he feels for Harry, which is admiration and he likes Harry so much that he doesn't want him to get killed!

As Zayn was contemplating with his thoughts, his eyes caught something from the rooftop at Harry's dorm.

He saw a silhouette!

Zayn's heart started to beat fast from the nervousness "Shit!" Zayn cursed as he went out of his room and run towards Harry's dorm.

Harry was daydreaming when he sat on his bed. He can't stop thinking about Zayn.


Tan skinned guy with beautiful long lashes and beautiful hazel doe eyes, with tattoos and piercings. He is so beautiful!

As Harry was thinking about Zayn, someone knocked on his door. Harry look at his time, who would be visiting at this time?

"Harry! Open up!" Harry's eyes widened hearing Zayn's voice. Harry went towards the door and opened it "Zayn!" Harry smiled "We better go now Harry!" Zayn said as Harry's eyes widened with surprised "What? Like we're gonna elope?" Harry asked as Zayn frantically shake his head "No! Come on! We gotta go now!" Zayn shouted as he heard a gunshot fired "Zayn? I—" Harry gulped as he felt pain in his arm.

Harry look at his arms as he saw blood coming out. Harry's knees gone weak seeing blood as he kneeled down "Oh god! He's here!" Zayn said as he crouched down to Harry "What is this?!" Harry shouted as he put his hand on his arm and look at his hand and saw blood "Za—Zayn?" Harry looked at Zayn with wide and scared eyes.

Zayn ripped the hem of his shirt and wrapped it on Harry's bleeding arm.

Harry's eyes started to water from the pain and from the trauma "They're gonna kill me! They're gonna kill me!" Harry said as Zayn calmed him "I won't let that happen, okay? We need to get out here" Zayn said as Harry grabbed his phone and dialed someone's number and on the third ring "Harry?!" Harry heard a woman's voice "Roxane! I need he—help! Someone's trying to kill me" Harry said as the woman gasped "Don't worry son, I'll send help, just hang on there" Roxane said.

Harry dropped his phone "Harreh, don't faint okay? I need you to stay with me" Zayn said as Harry nodded, it feels like his whole energy had been drained from his body.

// A/N: RODGER'S is back! And he's back to kill Harry! Zayn! Save him! Love of your life! Save him! Aaahhhhhh! I'm not good at making action scenes.

Well, few chapters left before epilogue! Sad to say, this is a short au.

Spread love and not hate!

Change of heart (ZARRY AU)Where stories live. Discover now