Chapter One

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Jamie grinned as she heard her old man sigh against her chest. She ran a hand through his hair, tugging on it until he lifted his head enough to look at her with a soulful expression.

"Don't you think you've pouted about this for long enough? It's been decided and there's nothing you can do about it, Alex. You need to suck it up, big guy."

He shook his head. "You just don't understand, Jamie. It's like a slap in the face to me, that the guys sided with him."

Jamie eyed him before pushing him to roll off of her. "Baby, nobody sided with anyone. The way I understand it, from you of all people, is that the club is going to be under increased scrutiny for a while and that it was decided that you needed more men on scene. In no way does that sound like you were voted against." She crawled across the bed and sat behind him on her knees, massaging his shoulders. "Now, Koz and Quinn will be here this morning. I think it's time you pulled up your big boy pants and got over it, baby."

Tig snickered and nodded, tagging her free hand and kissing the palm. "For you, baby, but only for you."

Jamie grinned and kissed him on the back of the head. "There's my big bad Tiggy."


Koz smiled as they passed the Welcome To Charming sign doing fifty miles an hour. He always liked coming to Charming, and to know that he was now a part of the mother charter made him feel like his life was finally on the right track. He knew that they had been having some issues and that things were only going to get more heated, so he was glad that he was in a position to help out.

He followed Rane as he turned into the industrial section of town, passing a few warehouses and old factories before pulling into the lot of Teller-Morrow Automotive. As they backed their bikes into the line of motorcycles, Koz saw Happy and Chibs come walking out of the clubhouse, both men sporting smiles of welcome. After bro hugs and back slaps, they all headed inside to grab a cup of coffee and talk.

As soon as Clay and Jax arrived, they walked into the chapel for church. While in there, Koz found out about a few issues that the club had going. It seemed that Juice's old lady had been attacked as a teen and they were now getting revenge for her, but in the process, it seemed that another woman that was somehow important to the club was now in danger. Kozik always hated to hear of any woman being mistreated, so he was ready and willing to help with both situations, however the club saw fit to handle it.

As they ended the meeting, Kozik filed out beside Happy, keeping an eye on Tig as he went. He waited until Tig stepped outside before speaking. "Are we good?"

Tig turned and looked at him for a moment before shrugging. "Yeah, I suppose we are. Jamie says that I need to let it go, and she's right. Just don't fuck up, man."

Kozik nodded. "I get it. I'm going to show you that I belong here, Tig. I promise you that."

Tig just nodded and walked off toward the garage, and Koz supposed that was the best that he could expect to start out with. He and Tig had a lot of water under their bridge, but he meant what he said. He would show him that he belonged with the mother charter. As he stood there looking around, a large delivery truck with Bennett Party Supplies written on the side pulled onto the lot and parked.

He thought he was seeing things when a tall willowy woman got out of the driver's side and strode off to the garage office. He was sure he'd never seen a better-looking woman than her as he watched her walk away. He wasn't sure what color her hair was because she had it tucked up under a snapback but what he could see looked like a chestnut brown. She was dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans that looked like they had been painted on, a white tank top, and a pair of brown work boots.

After a few minutes, she came walking back out with Clay's old lady, Gemma, beside her. They were discussing something serious as they walked toward the clubhouse, both of their heads together. Gemma smiled at him as they walked past. 

"Hey, Kozik. Welcome to the club, sweetheart."

He smiled and nodded, noting that the other woman didn't even glance in his direction. "Thanks, Gemma. I'm glad to be here."

Out of curiosity, he followed the two women back inside the clubhouse as Gemma talked to the younger woman. "Ok, honey, here's the bar. What won't fit back here can go in this storeroom in this hallway. If there's a lot of overflow, like there probably will be on this delivery, the extra can be stored in the kitchen, which is through that door over there. Got it?"

The woman nodded and smiled at Gemma. "Yes, ma'am. I'll get right to unloading."

Gemma frowned. "Do you have someone with you to do the heavy lifting? If not, some of these guys can help unload."

The other woman shook her head. "Nah, I can get it. It's my job, after all."

She promptly walked back outside and to the truck, rolling the back door up and jumping into the back. She loaded the dolly and set it on the lift, slowly letting it down before pushing it across the lot. Kozik grabbed the door and held it open for her, smiling at her.

"You sure you don't want me to get that sweetheart? It seems pretty heavy."

The woman rolled her eyes and glared at him, making him take a step back in surprise. "My name isn't sweetheart, and no, I don't want or need your help, cowboy."

This Side Of Heaven (Part Seven Of For The Love Of Charming)Where stories live. Discover now