Chapter Six

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Jax parked the truck in the lot at TM and turned it off before turning to Kassidee. She hadn't spoken since Happy caught her in a dead faint. When she'd come to, she had simply climbed back into the truck and waited for Jax and Happy to finish dousing the car with gasoline. Once it was up in flames, they had high-tailed it back to Charming.

"You did good back there, Kass. I'm not sure if we would have gotten out without injuries at the very least." He pointed out the windshield at the row of bikes. "Looks like Koz is here. Want me to go get him for you?"

Kassidee shook her head and stared straight ahead. "No, I'm just gonna sit here for a minute or two. I'll be in... I just need a minute to myself."

Jax sighed before nodding and getting out to walk into the clubhouse with Happy. Everyone gathered around the two men and Jax quickly relayed what had happened, causing Kozik to curse and head for the door. Gemma put her hand out to stop him and shook her head.

"I got her, sweetheart. Just have a couple of shots ready for when she comes in, ok?" 

When he nodded, she patted him on the chest and gave him a grin before striding out the door and across the lot to the truck. She walked around to the passenger side and opened the door, climbing up to stand on the running board. She nodded her head at Kassidee.

"Scoot over, baby." She grinned when Kassidee sighed and rolled her eyes before moving across the bench seat to make room. She closed the door behind herself and looked at the younger woman. "You feeling some kind of way about what happened back there?"

Kassidee shrugged. "I don't know how to feel. I killed four people, Gemma!"

Gemma sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Wouldn't have happened if they didn't put themselves there in the first place. From what I heard, you made sure you and the boys all came back in one piece. That's a winning day in my book."

"I don't know. I can't help but realize that they won't go home tonight."

Gemma nodded. "No, they won't, but you will. You did what you had to do to make sure that you came home to your man and that my son and Happy get to go home to their families." She shrugged, grinning at Kassidee. "Well, this is home for the moment, but you know what I mean."

Kassidee turned her head to look at her. "Is this what being an old lady feels like?" She shook her head. "All I could think of at the time was that I had to stop that car before they stopped us. It could have gone so many different ways."

Gemma chuckled and nodded. "It could have, yes, but it didn't. You know, being an old lady isn't usually this. Most of the time, we're in the back somewhere supporting our men and being there to help them unload from the day, but sometimes, just sometimes, we get to remind them why they picked us in the first place." She squeezed Kassidee close for a moment. "You gonna let this get between you and Kozik?"

Kassidee sighed before shaking her head. "No. It's going to take me some time to come to terms with it, but I know you're right. I did what I needed to do."

Gemma nodded and opened the door to jump down. "Right, so get your skinny ass inside so your man can make sure for himself that you're in one piece, then we have some celebrating to do." Once Kassidee was on the ground beside her, Gemma took her face in her hands and looked at her. "Thank you, from the mother of one of the men you helped keep in one piece today." She kissed Kassidee on the cheek before grinning at her as they made their way to the clubhouse. "You're gonna be the star of the hour, whether you think you deserve it or not."


Gemma had been right. Once Kozik was satisfied that she hadn't been hurt, the drinks started flowing and so did the gratitude. She'd been hugged and kissed several times by each man in the club as well as their old ladies. She'd been grabbed by Happy's old lady, a heavily pregnant woman named Dawn, who had hugged her tightly and proclaimed her one of them. The club was no closer to knowing who was behind all of the trouble, but they were content that everyone was safe and whole for the moment.

At around two a.m., after several rounds of pool and more shots than she could count, Kozik declared that it was time for bed, much to the dismay of Tig, with whom she had been playing.

"Man, we're up two hundred bucks! She can't stop now! We got Hap and Chibs on the ropes!"

Kozik shook his head, taking the pool cue out of Kassidee's hands and handing it to Tig. "I don't give a shit, man. I want a few hours with Dee all to myself, ok? You two can play some more tomorrow."

She just chuckled as Tig grumbled about spoilsports. Kozik led her back through the hallway and into a bedroom, shutting the door behind them. He spread his arms out and grinned. "Home sweet home, baby. Well, for the time being anyway. But hey, at least the sheets are clean."

Kassidee walked into his arms and sighed with contentment when he wrapped them around her, holding her close. "I don't care. As long as you're here, I'm good."

Kozik nodded before tipping her head back to look up at him. He sighed, a frown forming on his face. "I could have lost you today."

She nodded, leaning up to give him a quick kiss. "But you didn't, and as Gemma said, that makes it a good day." She winked at him before taking his hand and pulling him toward the bed. "Now, come on and tuck me in."

This Side Of Heaven (Part Seven Of For The Love Of Charming)Where stories live. Discover now