Chapter Five

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"Do you have an old lady?"

Jax shook his head as he made the turn to hit the onramp for the highway to take them back home. She'd made all of her deliveries in Lodi and had even bought the boys Chinese for lunch, which Happy seemed to greatly appreciate. They just had a couple of stops to make in Charming before they could head for home.

"Nah. I did, but... being an old lady is really hard sometimes. They have to put up with a lot of shit, and mostly because of the club."

Kassidee shrugged. "Yeah, but I suppose if you love the man, then you learn how to love the club, right?"

Jax shot her a surprised look before chuckling and shaking his head. "You just sounded like my fucking mother for a second." He nodded before lighting a cigarette. "You're right though. They both go hand in hand, and if you can't get behind the club, the relationship is bound to fail. There have been some old ladies that didn't want to know what went on, but... to me, if you're in, you're in, ya know? You can't fully support your old man if you don't know what he's facing on the day to day." He shrugged and grinned over at her. "Just my opinion though."

Kassidee simply nodded before looking into the mirror of the truck on her side. "Hey, Jax? I think we have a tail. Been behind us since the Chinese restaurant. Black sedan three cars behind Happy."

Jax looked in the mirror on his side and shook his head. "Shit! Ok, we're gonna pull into the rest area ahead and see what happens."

Kassidee nodded and leaned over, reaching under the seat to unclip the shotgun she kept there. Jax looked at her in surprise, making her shrug and grin. "What? I do get hijacked from time to time. Don't worry, I know how to use it."

Jax smirked and shook his head. "I gotta say, after seeing what the old ladies are capable of, nothing surprises me anymore. Good to know that we have extra firepower if we need it."


Happy parked his bike beside the truck and waited for Jax and Kassidee to join him. He tilted his head in question. 

"What's up?"

Jax nodded down the row of parking spots to the black sedan that had pulled in when they did. "Kass spotted our friend there. We need to come up with a plan."

Kassidee blew out a breath as she watched the car idling quietly, the blacked out windows preventing them from seeing how many were in the car. "Do we just confront them?"

Happy shook his head as he chewed on a toothpick. "Nah, too many innocents. Could get ugly." He looked at Jax. "What's the plan, man?"

"Well, as you said, can't do anything here, but I would guarantee that they're following us. I say we take our chances and try to get back to Charming."

Kassidee shook her head, not liking that idea at all. "Yeah, and once we get off of the highway, we have about ten miles of nothing but desert and not many fellow travelers. Could get dicey." She smirked at both bikers. "Can't we just shoot their windshield out? Might buy us some time."

Jax grinned as Happy snickered. "Slow your roll, Annie Oakley. The problem with that is that they might just shoot back and even if they don't, one of these innocent bystanders may decide that we're the bad guys and call the state police. I don't like the odds either way."

She blew out a slow breath before nodding. "Ok, so we take our chances in the desert and hope to make it back to Charming." She looked at Jax. "Can we call for reinforcements?"

Jax shook his head, looking unhappy. "Nope. Everyone is out trying to figure this shit out."

Happy nodded. "Looks like we're on our own. You two good to go?"

Kassidee and Jax both nodded and Happy saddled up as they climbed back into the truck. They rode in silence for a while, each in their own thoughts and with one eye trained on the mirrors. When they got off the highway, Jax looked at Kassidee. 

"Keep an eye out now. If they're going to make a move, it's going to be now while there are no other cars on the road."

She just nodded and gripped the shotgun in her hands as she watched the mirror. A few more miles were under their tires before she saw the car suddenly break from their lane. "Your side."

Jax looked in the mirror and shook his head. "Fuck! How good an aim are you in a moving vehicle?"

"Pretty fair. When I say so, hit the brakes." He nodded as she rolled her window down and pulled herself through it, sitting on the ledge and hoping to God that she didn't fall out going seventy miles an hour. She waited until the car was running alongside them before yelling at Jax. "Brakes, now!"

The car shot ahead of them and Kassidee took aim, managing a direct hit to their back window. Glass flew everywhere and the car swerved sharply before flipping several times and landing on it's top in the median. As soon as the truck stopped, Jax threw open the door and pointed at Kassidee. "Stay here!"

Jax and Happy ran to the car and looked in before shaking their heads at each other and walking slowly back to the truck where Kassidee was standing. Happy looked at her as Jax pulled his cigarettes out and lit one before offering the pack to Kassidee. "Four assholes, all dead. Had enough firepower in the car to take over a small country. They weren't looking to play nice."

Kassidee blinked, feeling lightheaded as what Happy said started to sink in. "I just killed four men."

She felt her legs give out and the last thing she remembered was Happy lunging forward to catch her.

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