Chapter Eight

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MATURE CONTENT WARNING!! (Mentions of assault, torture, and violence. May be triggering for some.)


Gemma watched Trixie closely, looking for any sign that she heard her, but she saw nothing but the steady rise and fall of her breathing. She was dressed only in a bloody tank top that had once been white and a pair of white panties. Her hair was matted and hanging in limp clumps around her battered face. Just from a cursory glance, Gemma could see both eyes were swollen shut and purpling from bruising, her nose looked to be broken and she had a split lip. She heard Kassidee gasp from beside her.

"Is she alive?"

Gemma nodded. "Yeah, she's breathing, poor baby. I knew from what Juice had said that she found some heavy shit, but apparently they caught up to her."

"Trixie Donovan, right?" When Gemma nodded, Kassidee sighed. "I thought so. I know her from around town. Nice girl." She looked at Gemma with tears in her eyes. "We have to get her help, Gemma."

Gemma scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Well, to do that, we have to help ourselves first. For the time being, we need to pretend that we don't know who she is. They might not have figured out her connection to the club yet, and we need to keep it that way for now."

Before Kassidee could comment, they heard a door open above them and heavy footsteps on the stairs. The man that had taken them appeared, nodding to the two women as he walked toward them. "Mr. Zobelle is here and wants to chat."

Gemma nodded toward Trixie. "What's the deal with her?"

The man smiled that sinister smile again that made Gemma shudder. "She's learning a little lesson right now." He walked over to Trixie and pulled her hair back so that her face was turned to him. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

Gemma heard a wheeze come from Trixie before she spat in his face, earning her a slap across hers. "Fuck you."

Gemma stomped her foot. "Hey! Don't you touch her anymore!"

Before she could blink, he was across the room and had backhanded her, causing her head to snap back and her lip to split open. She glared at him as she simply spat blood on the floor. He pointed a finger in Gemma's face. "She's mine! I'll do to her as I please! You should mind your own business and worry about yourself." He tilted his head toward the stairs as he stood straight again. "Come on."

When they got upstairs, they saw a man in a business suit sitting at a scarred kitchen table. He smiled pleasantly at both women as they were directed to sit across from him. "Good morning, ladies. I'm sorry that we're meeting under such circumstances, but some things can't be helped. My name is Ethan Zobelle, and I have some business with your men."

Gemma nodded. "I'm pretty sure you know who I am. What's your plan here?"

Ethan smiled and nodded before leaning on the table. "It's simple, really. Your men will stop selling guns to the Mexicans and Blacks, instead selling to us for our cause. Additionally, they'll stop making life difficult for Mr. Hale. I need him to continue to be mayor for my plans to work here in Charming."

Gemma nodded as she heard Kassidee gasp beside her. She silently hoped that the other woman would keep her mouth shut until they were alone again. "So, they give you these concessions in exchange for us."

Ethan smiled and nodded. "Yes! You see? A simple transaction and everyone is happy."

Gemma tilted her head and looked at him. "What about the girl downstairs? What's going to happen to her?"

Ethan sighed and glanced at the man beside him before shaking his head. "Collateral damage, I'm afraid. I've given her to Mr. Weston in exchange for his continued loyalty. She really should have stayed out of our business."

Gemma scoffed and shook her head. "You just gave her to him?"

The man named Weston stepped forward and nodded, completely serious. "Yes, Esther will make a fine wife once she learns her lesson."

Kassidee spoke up quietly. "Her name is Esther?"

Weston shrugged. "It is now. She needs a completely new life, starting with her name. Esther Weston." 

Kassidee shook her head and looked at Gemma. "Jesus Christ."

Ethan cleared his throat. "You really should worry about yourselves and not... Esther." He looked at his watch and stood up. "I'm going to call your husband shortly and we'll meet to discuss matters. You'll be informed when he's met my demands."

He left them with Weston and once they were back downstairs, Kassidee stared at Gemma in shock. "This guy is fucking crazy."

Gemma looked at her and smirked, shaking her head. "No shit."

Kass shook her head. "I don't know what to think right now... guns? They guys sell guns?"

Gemma shrugged. "Among other things." When Kass just stared at her, she shook her head. "What? Did you think they were fucking choir boys?" She smirked. "Ya know, after last week, I wouldn't have taken you for a pussy. Yes, they do shit that is illegal, but they take care of this town and their families."

Kass shook her head. "Of course, I didn't think they were innocent. I just... I need to wrap my mind around all of this."

Gemma sighed and nodded. "Yeah, you do. While you're doing that, I'm going to try to get Trixie to respond to me."


Clay hung up the phone and stood staring into space for a moment before throwing the phone and watching it shatter against the wall. Everyone around him stopped what they were doing and stared at him. He shook his head and rolled his neck, trying to release some of the tension that was radiating off of him in waves.

"Zobelle has the girls. We meet him in one hour to discuss terms."

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