Chapter Nine

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Jax stared at Clay as everyone, including the old ladies, gathered around the bar where they were standing. "What do you mean, Zobelle has the girls??"

Clay shot him a look before downing a glass of whiskey. "Just what I said, son. Because I fucked up and let your mother have her way, she and Kassidee are being held by Zobelle and his men. We meet at the diner in an hour." Before anyone could stop him, Kozik grabbed Clay by the kutte and punched him in the mouth. Clay shook his head and looked at the fuming man in front of him. "I had that one coming. We can take it to the ring when the girls are back safe, but how about we shelve it for now?"

Kozik just gave a quick nod and downed the shot that Tig handed him. Jax shook his head. "So we're just going to sit here and wait?"

Clay shrugged. "I don't know what else you want to do unless you know where he has them, because I don't." He pointed a finger at Juice. "It wouldn't be a bad idea to start looking up their properties though. I want to know everything that Hale, Zobelle and the Arian Brotherhood owns."

Jax sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Who's going to the meeting?"

"Me and Koz, obviously. You, Tig, and Happy."

Jax nodded before looking around the group of men. "Well, I say we get there first."

Clay nodded and clapped him on the back. "Let's go."


They had secured two of the back booths at the diner and were waiting when Zobelle and Weston walked in and strode their way. Clay nodded when Ethan sat across from him, Weston preferring to stand.

"I'm happy that you could meet on such short notice."

Clay smirked and shook his head. "Well, you didn't really give me much choice, now did you?" He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. "Why don't we lay the cards on the table? I'd like to have our girls back."

Ethan smiled and nodded. "Of course. It's simple, really. You stop selling guns to The Mayans and the Niners. In exchange, we'll give you all the gun trade you could ask for. In addition, you stop interfering in the mayor's private life. I need him where he is."

Happy and Jax both made noises of disbelief as Clay held up a hand. "Fine, but my wife and Kozik's old lady will be released immediately."

Ethan nodded, holding out a hand. "Of course! Let's shake on it, yes?" Clay shook his hand before Ethan stood up to leave. "Give us an hour. Meet them at the old access road by the power lines."

Clay nodded and waited for them to leave before standing up to follow. Jax fell into step beside him as they made their way out. "We really giving them all of that?"

Clay scoffed and shook his head, placing his sunglasses on his face as they stepped out into the sun. "Of course not."


Kozik paced back and forth across the road as they waited for Gemma and Dee to arrive. He was anxious, had been since he heard that they had been taken. If he was honest with himself, he'd felt it when they left the lot, A tightening in his gut that told him something wasn't quite right. The ex-Marine knew better than to ignore that feeling but the look of excitement on Dee's face had drawn him in. 

He knew it was hard for the families whenever they went into lockdown, but it was for the best, and the only way to keep everyone safe. He'd caught himself thinking several times, especially after what had happened outside of Charming, that maybe he wasn't being fair to Dee by bringing her into this life. He wanted her as his old lady but after this, he would understand if she wanted nothing more to do with him.

He didn't know what Clay's plan was, but he was certain that they wouldn't be giving Zobelle anything that he had asked for. He was sure that if the club had their way, Zobelle would instead be spending his final hours with Happy in the shed at the cabin, and Kozik was more than fine with that idea. It was one thing to come after a man face to face, but to sneak behind him and go after his family was unforgivable.

His attention was caught by an SUV barrelling down the access road and coming to a screeching halt in front of the row of bikes. Before he could fully prepare himself, he was being hit by a small missile in the form of his would-be old lady, her cries muffled by his shirt as she clung to his chest. He brought his hands up and held her tightly to him, rocking her back and forth.

"It's ok, baby. We've got you now. You're safe."

He heard Clay tell Gemma the same thing as they hugged each other, happy to be in each other's arms again. Gemma stepped back and shook her head, looking at Dee as she did the same with him. "We need to talk when we get back to the clubhouse."

Clay shook his head, smirking at his wife. "Sweetheart, if you're worried about what I had to promise Zobelle to get you two back, don't. We aren't holding up our end. In fact, we have something else cooking for them."

Gemma sighed and looked at Dee with a raised brow before glancing at her son. "It's not that... they have Trixie."

This Side Of Heaven (Part Seven Of For The Love Of Charming)Where stories live. Discover now