Chapter Three

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Kozik walked in the door of the diner with a frown on his face. He hadn't seen her delivery truck out front and he was wondering if he had been stood up. As he looked around the interior, his frown relaxed when he saw Dee sitting in a corner booth, looking at a menu. He grinned as she glanced up when he slid into the seat across from her.

"I thought you were going to stand me up."

Koz grinned and shook his head. "Nah, there was no way that was gonna happen, Dee. I just got busy with a tow." He lifted a brow as he hooked a thumb toward the parking lot. "Besides, I thought you stood me up at first. I didn't see your truck out front."

Kassidee grinned. "I left it at the warehouse and drove my car. The black '67 Impala."

Kozik chuckled and shook his head. "Into muscle cars or Supernatural?"

Kassidee smirked and shrugged. "A little of both, I guess. Dean Winchester is a little piece of heaven right here on earth."

Kozik just eyed her as the waitress walked up to take their order. "I'll have to take your word for that, Dee." 

She just laughed as he ordered a cheeseburger and fries and she ordered a chicken salad sandwich and onion rings. When she promised to be back with their drink orders, he leaned across the table and took her hand in his. She looked at him in surprise as he grinned at her. "Ignore the fact that I'm touching you and tell me about Kassidee Bennett."

She grinned and shrugged. "Not much to tell, really. I run the business and live here in Charming."

Koz chuckled and shook his head. "That's it? That's all I get?"

Kassidee grinned as she sat back in her seat, pulling her hand from his. "What do you want to know?"

Kozik copied her, leaning back and resting his arms along the back of the seat. "Only everything."

She shook her head as the waitress brought their drinks. "That's a tall order for a lunch date, my friend."

He shrugged, grinning at her in a way that made her heart skip. "Well, if it takes more dates until I'm satisfied that I have all the info, then I'll just have to suffer through. I'm nothing if not thorough. In all things."

Kassidee chuckled and nodded. "I see that." She cocked her head at him. "What about you? What do I need to know about Herman Kozik?"

Kozik tilted his head for a moment in thought. "I'm trustworthy and loyal. I never outright lie and I'll never do anything to hurt you in any way."

Kassidee nodded. "You sound like a boy scout yet you wear a motorcycle kutte. Those two things don't really go together, you know."

He smirked and nodded. "What can I say? I'm a mystery."

Their food came then, so they are in relative silence until Koz's phone rang, causing him to groan. He answered it, speaking only a few times before hanging up and looking at her with a frown. "I need to go help handle something." He sighed before reaching in his pocket and throwing money on the table to cover the bill. "Can I see you again?"

She didn't answer as they got up to leave, him holding the door open for her to walk ahead of him. She stopped at her car, leaning against the driver's door to look up at him as he stopped directly in front of her. "You really want to see me again or are you just trying to get in my pants?"

Kozik smirked as he leaned in, letting his hands rest on the car door on either side of her head. "Oh, believe me, I want to get in your pants, but I also want to see you again, with pants." He let his forehead rest against hers for a moment, staring down into her laughing eyes. "What do you say? Go on another date with me?"

She grinned and nodded. "How could I resist such a smooth operator?" She lifted a hand to trace his lips as she continued. "Tell you what. Why don't you come over tonight for dinner? I'll cook."

He grinned. "I like that idea."

She chuckled as he playfully nipped at her finger. "You haven't tasted my cooking yet."

He just grinned as he leaned down and captured her lips in a soft kiss. "Home cooking should never be complained about. Ever." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to her. "Give me your number, so I can text you mine."

She quickly keyed in her information before handing him the phone back and smiling at him. "I'll text you the address later."

He opened her car door for her, then waited until she had pulled out onto the street before walking over to his bike and climbing on. He knew that he was moving fast with this woman and that he would take no small amount of ribbing from his brothers, but he felt something for her already that he hadn't felt in a very long time. She was starting to feel a lot like home to him.

This Side Of Heaven (Part Seven Of For The Love Of Charming)Where stories live. Discover now