Chapter Four

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Two Weeks Later

Koz woke up to a beehive of activity. He had barely gotten his coffee poured when Clay was calling for church and looking angry enough to bite a nail in two. As he filed in behind Happy, he noticed that Juice had his laptop at the table and was busy clicking away at something. He yawned as he sat down beside the tech god. When everyone was seated, Clay brought the gavel down to bring the meeting to order.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush this morning. Gemma and Savannah were followed to work this morning. They both said that it was a black SUV with blacked out windows. When we're done here, I want all old ladies and kids here until we figure out what the fuck is going on."

Koz rubbed his forehead where he could feel a headache starting as Happy spoke up from beside him. "We talking lockdown?"

Clay shrugged. "For the moment, we'll limit it to our families and wait for more information before broadening the scope." He looked at Koz and tilted his head. "I know you've been seeing the alcohol rep... what's her name?"

"Kassidee. Yeah, we've been seeing a lot of each other."

Clay nodded. "Can you get her in?"

Koz shook his head and frowned, feeling a ball form in the pit of his stomach that he didn't like at all. "Nah, she's got runs all day. Her job isn't like Harmony or Jamie. She can't just delegate or close up. She's the only employee she has at the moment."

Clay nodded again. "I understand, but unfortunately I need you with me and Tig to find out what's going on. I can't spare you to shadow her."

Kozik nodded, not liking the fact that Dee was going to be on her own. He felt a hand come down on his shoulder and looked to see Happy nod at him before turning to Clay. "I'll shadow Kass."

Jax spoke up from his position at Clay's left. "I'll go with Happy. Don't worry, man. We'll keep her safe."

Kozik nodded his gratitude to both men as Clay looked at Juice. "On another front, Juice has some information on our missing reporter."

Juice nodded as Jax pinned him with a look. "Yeah, she called early this morning. It wasn't very long, maybe thirty seconds, but she's safe... at the moment."

Jax pointed at him, making Juice lift a brow. "You need to fucking call her back, man. Tell her to get her ass here, where we can keep an eye on her."

As the others nodded in agreement, Juice shook his head. "We didn't invent burner phones, Jax. I guarantee you that whatever phone she called me from has been destroyed by now. I have no way to reach her to tell her anything. Not until she reaches out again."

Clay turned to Jax as he heard the younger man curse. "You seem to be awfully interested in this woman, son. Care to share?"

Jax rolled his eyes and looked at his step-father. "There's nothing to share. She did the club a solid, and by doing that, she put herself in danger. For us, for one of our old ladies. She deserves protection, that's all, and I don't like the fact that she's somewhere on her own, where anyone could get to her."

Clay nodded, but the look on his face said that he wasn't convinced that Jax's interest lay only in protection. Koz grinned to himself, wondering if the newly single dad was interested in the reporter and just didn't want anyone, especially his mother, to know about it. Gemma was a force to be reckoned with, but no more so than when it came to her son.

He stood up with the others as Clay called the meeting to an end, heading out to call Kassidee and warn her that she was about to have company for the day.


Kassidee sat in the passenger seat of her delivery truck and shook her head as Jax drove toward Lodi. "I still don't understand why I have babysitters today. You said that all of the old ladies and children were on lockdown, which I get, but I'm not an old lady."

Jax shrugged and grinned as he puffed on a cigarette. "You're important to a member of the club, which is mostly just a step down from being an old lady, so you have me and Hap for the day. It won't be that bad, honestly. Besides, you can use us for slave labor. Less lifting for you." He gave her a look. "Koz wants you protected, period. Since he knew that he wouldn't be able to get you to close up shop for the day, this was the next best way to do that."

If Kassidee looked out the mirror on her side of the truck, she'd see the one named Happy on his bike behind them. She also knew that both men were armed and she was pretty sure that they would have no doubts or concerns about firing said weapons if the need arose. She knew that she could throw a fit about not being trusted, but she also knew that this wasn't about trust. 

Jax was right. When she had talked to Kozik on the phone this morning, he had pressed upon her his need to keep her safe. She was to make her deliveries then report to the TM lot until they knew what the threat against them was. She sighed as she sat back in her seat and looked out the windshield. So this was what being in the fold of SAMCRO felt like.

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