Chapter Two

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Kozik held up a hand and grinned at the suddenly fired up woman in front of him. "Wait, I didn't mean anything by that. I just thought you could use some help, that's all. I would have offered if you were a three-hundred-pound dude named Bubba."

The woman looked down at the ground for a moment before nodding and looking back up with a small smile on her face. "Sorry, I guess I jumped the gun. You can help by holding the door open if you want."

Koz smiled and opened the door for her with a flourish, making her giggle quietly. As she rolled the dolly past him, he could smell whatever kind of perfume she was wearing. Something with vanilla and it made him wonder where he would find the scent on her skin. He cleared his throat as she made her way toward the bar, jogging to keep up with the tiny woman.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" He held up a hand when she cut him a look. "If you don't want me calling you that, then I need a name." He held out a hand to shake and grinned. "My name's Herman Kozik, but most people either call me Koz or Kozik."

She set the dolly up by the bar and grasped his hand in hers. When she did, he felt something akin to touching a live wire. He knew that she felt it too because she tried to pull her hand back, causing him to grip it tighter. She cleared her throat and nodded when he finally let go.

"Kassidee Bennett."

Koz started to say something when Bobby interrupted with a smirk on his face. "You gonna let this little girl do her job or stand there in her way all day?"

Koz smirked at Kassidee before shrugging. "She wasn't complaining, why are you old man?"

Kassidee chuckled and shook her head. "He's right though. Staring at your pretty face all day isn't going to get my deliveries made."

Kozik's smirk widened as he looked down at her, Bobby chuckling in the background. "You think I have a pretty face?"

Kassidee rolled her eyes, making Bobby laugh harder. "Honey, I know that you know that your face is pretty. I'm sure you've used the fact plenty of times to get what you want."

Kozik shrugged as he grinned at her. "Well, what I want right now is to take you out. My pretty face gonna get me that?"

Kassidee sighed and shook her head. "I'm afraid not, cowboy."

Kozik nodded, taking a step closer and making her take a step back. "You got a man?"

Kassidee shook her head again. "Nope, but I also don't have time to date... or whatever it is you're offering."

Kozik grinned as Bobby chuckled again, enjoying the other man's apparent trouble at securing a date with the pretty delivery driver. "Yeah, but you have to eat, right? What if I take you to lunch? That's not too terrible, is it?"

Kassidee sighed and looked up at him. "You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?"

He grinned and shook his head. "Nope."

She shook her head and stared at the ceiling for a moment. "Fine. Meet me at the diner at noon. We'll have that lunch." When he grinned in silent victory, she chuckled. "Can you let me do my job now? I have other deliveries to make today."

Kozik nodded and turned to walk out of the clubhouse. "See you at noon, Dee."

She turned to see Bobby smiling at her and shook her head. "I wasn't going to win against that, was I?"

Bobby chuckled. "Nope, but then none of us have ever been known for being shy and retiring, especially if we want something." He scratched his bearded chin and looked at her. "I think you may be in trouble though."

Kassidee arched a brow. "Why's that?"

Bobby chuckled and pointed toward the door that Kozik had disappeared out of. "Because, darlin, that wasn't even his A game." He laughed at the look on her face. "Wait until he actually puts in an effort."

She shook her head and blew out a breath. "Well, shit."


Kozik walked out to the garage and saw Happy and Tig working on a car. He walked over and leaned against it, grinning as the two men bickered back and forth.

"Hey, either of you able to loan me twenty? I'll pay you back as soon as I get paid."

Tig turned to give him a questioning look. "What do you need money for? You just got here."

Kozik grinned and shrugged. "I got a lunch date with the alcohol distributor today."

Tig snorted and shook his head as surprisingly, Happy pulled out his wallet and found a twenty, handing it to Koz. Tig looked at him in surprise. "You never loan money to anyone."

Happy shrugged as he glared at Tig. "Maybe I'm feeling generous today. Fuck you." He turned to Koz and nodded. "You like this bitch?"

Kozik grinned at him before nodding. "Yeah, I do. There's something about her, man... I don't know."

Tig rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Good lord, I think there really is something in the water around here."

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