Chapter Seven

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One Week Later

"Come on, Clay. We girls need clothes! You guys might be willing to wear the same thing over and over, but we aren't."

Clay eyed his wife before sighing and shaking his head. After a week straight of being locked down in the clubhouse, all of the women were starting to go a little stir crazy.

"Ok, but you go two at a time and you go straight to the houses and back, no detours. I don't have anyone to spare today to go with you. I mean it, Gem. Only two out at a time and make sure someone knows when each of you leaves."

Gemma smiled and stepped closer to give her husband a kiss before practically running from the chapel to find the rest of the girls. When she made it to the bar, Kassidee and Jamie were sitting there talking quietly. Gemma walked up and threw an arm around Kassidee's shoulders and grinned at her.

"You wanna make a run for clean clothes with me?" She looked at Jamie. "While we're gone, you can line the other girls up as well. We can only go two at a time."

Jamie nodded and began calling all the women together as Gemma and Kassidee walked out onto the lot. They were stopped by Kozik and Tig, with Happy and Chibs walking over to back their brothers up. Kozik stopped in front of Kassidee, pointing back at the clubhouse.

"You two aren't supposed to be out here, remember?"

Before Kass could say anything, Gemma beat her to it. "Clay said we could go get some clean clothes. Out of the way, boys."

Clay and Jax came walking out behind the two women, chuckling when they saw that they hadn't gotten very far. Clay waved his hand and grinned at Tig and Kozik. "It's ok, they can go. They know the rules."

As Gemma and Kass passed the guys, Kass stuck her tongue out at Kozik, making the others laugh. Once they were out of the lot, Gemma looked over and grinned at Kass. "Kind of feels good to be out in public again, doesn't it?" She happened to look in the rearview and frowned before cursing. "Fuck! Well, it felt good for two minutes." She looked at Kass. "We're being followed."

Kass turned to look behind them. "Can we circle back around to TM?"

Gemma shook her head as another black SUV fell into line in front of them. "Doesn't look like it." Kassidee made a noise in the back of her throat and Gemma reached over to squeeze her hand. "Stay with me, Kass. You made it through the fire a week ago, we'll make it through this time. I doubt they want to hurt us."

Kassidee looked at her in shock. "Really?"

Gemma gave her a small grin. "No, not really. It sounded good though."

The SUV in front of them stopped, causing Gemma to have to stop as well or ram the back of their vehicle. A man got out of the car behind them and walked up to Gemma's window, tapping on it. Gemma noticed that he had a crewcut and a swastika tattoo on his neck. She rolled it down enough for him to be able to speak. "You ladies are going to come with us. You're going to do it quietly or this will get a lot harder than it has to be."

Gemma scoffed, trying to push the fear down that was threatening to choke her. She'd been in some scrapes before, but this was new. "And if we don't?"

The man smiled and Gemma felt a chill run down her spine at the sight. "Well, then I shoot you in the head right here." He shrugged as Gemma felt Kassidee clutching her arm. "Either way, it sends a message."

Gemma sighed and turned to look at Kassidee. "I guess we don't have a choice."

She started to grab her purse but the man shook his head. "You won't need that. Don't worry, your things will be safe." Gemma eyed him as she got out, hearing Kassidee get out from the passenger side. Another man stepped up to get into her car as two others came to stand beside the first man. He smiled again and pointed toward the SUV in the back. "Ladies? Shall we?"


They drove for a while, but Gemma couldn't say to where because the minute they got into the SUV, they were blindfolded and their hands were tied behind their backs. When they stopped, the doors opened and Gemma felt a hand on her arm to help her out of the vehicle. They were led inside some kind of building and down a flight of stairs before being sat down on chairs. The blindfolds were removed and she was staring at the man from earlier. She looked to her side and saw that Kassidee was no worse for wear before the man spoke, getting her attention once again.

"Mr. Zobelle will be here soon to have a chat. Until then, you should be comfortable enough here."

He left with two other men, going back up a flight of stairs. Gemma heard a moan and looked over to a dimly lit corner where she could see something hanging from a rope. As her eyes adjusted, she realized with growing horror that it was a woman, her arms suspended from ropes that were attached to a large hook hanging from the ceiling. She bit back a curse when the woman's body turned slightly into the light, showing her facial features.

"Holy shit! Trixie?!"

This Side Of Heaven (Part Seven Of For The Love Of Charming)Where stories live. Discover now