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Chapter Two | Aries Lockhart

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Chapter Two | Aries Lockhart

"What? You still haven't done it with her yet?" Lemuel always had a tendency to talk louder than necessary and this time was no different. His high voice easily sounded off in the halls causing a few heads to turn our way, and my eyes widened from the sudden attention.

"Shush," I dragged him closer towards the row of blue lockers. My grip on him like a mother and her child in a grocery store. "Don't tell the whole school!"

Lemuel pursed his big lips at me, before shaking his head disappointed. "I thought you said Friday was the day you two were finally going to you know. . . elope." Lemuel made an inappropriate hand gesture as if I didn't already know what he meant.

"We were and things were going as plan," I told him, trailing off as I thought about how Elena's crotch rubbed against mine and I instantly freaked out. "We started rubbing areas and I just panicked, and I ended up throwing her off me."

I sighed lowering my head. This is so embarrassing and it's even more embarrassing to say it aloud. What the hell is wrong with me?

Lemuel's hand found its way on my shoulder and he began to rub in a comforting manner, but it was hard to take the gesture serious because he was looking at me with puppy eyes and pouty lips. "You know what Gray? It's going to be okay." He said.


Lemuel's face fell flat at my question. "No. You clearly have a problem and need to do something about it quickly."

I sent my best friend a look before turning rolling my eyes and dragging out as heavy sigh as I leaned against the row of lockers. Lemuel started to laugh at my misery, he always found joy in my dismay. It's been like that since we were kids. That same teasing laugh that didn't start with his mouth but instead his eyes. Most would think of laughing as a sound that comes from the mouth, but when Lemuel laughed it was nothing like that at all. The laugh was in his eyes, in the way his face changed into that vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth. People like him just have more flexible brains, like all that humor bubbling around in him was like yoga for the synapses. Just being around him for a few minutes was better than a whole day of self-absorbed pampering in some all-day-spa. Just the sound of his gales, his snickers, his giggles, was enough to cause anyone to laugh along with him.

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