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Chapter Eighteen | Netflix And Chill

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Chapter Eighteen | Netflix And Chill

"My first time going to one of Armon parties was sophomore year. I don't really remember much because that was my first time ever getting drunk so I didn't know my limit at the time. All I remember is waking up in Armon's basement with some boy, chips and drinks sprawled everywhere around us."

"It was wild, and it turns out I had smashed a bottle against the boy's head that night as well. How we ended up in bed together was a mystery though." Aries finished his story, sitting on one of the desk in the homecoming committee meeting room.

"Aries what was the point in telling us that story?" Spencer asked him, confused.

Aries shrugged his shoulders, his feet dangling off the edge of the desk as he swayed them back and forth. "There was no point, I just wanted you all to know."

Everyone was in here because Elena wanted everyone to talk about planning and since I was now running for homecoming king, I was invited. Lemuel also tagged along but that's just because I didn't want to be here alone.

"So you're all going to the party?" I asked, my eyes roaming around to everyone in the room.

Pocket Grapes shook her head no. "Parties aren't really my thing. Besides, this new documentary on Netflix came out and I was planning on watching that instead."

Spencer exhaled a sigh before answering. "Well I'm going." I looked at her with a raised brow and she shrugged her shoulders at me. "What? I'm part of the homecoming committee so it only make sense that I attend every homecoming event."

Lemuel nodded in agreement. "Yeah me to."

"You're not even part of the homecoming committee," I corrected him, shooting him a glare that he easily brushed off. "Oh, well I'm still going."

I folded my arms across my chest, annoyed and a little bit betrayed. Elena noticed my face and made her way over to me. "I'm not going." She said, wrapping her small hands around me, pressing her head against my chest.

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