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Chapter Six | Giving In

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Chapter Six | Giving In

I tried not to think about last night with Elena too much as I walked into school, but the moment I stepped into white tile flooring of Edgewater high, the memories of last night fail entered my mind. I could feel my cheeks heating up as I walked down the hall, the feeling of everyone's eyes on me. Did they know? They can't know, can they?

My palms began to sweat, my grip on the straps of my book bag tightening as my face began to burn. You could have cooked a three course meal on my face. No-one could have missed it. I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole. I wished to 'do a Daphne' and drop through a scooby-doo style trap door in the floor. But there was no rescue from this embarrassment. It was absolute. Torture. Utter humiliation. The memory would be seared into my brain forever, ready to pop up and torment me again when I'm ever in a quiet moment.

When I spotted Spencer and Lemuel standing by their lockers I didn't hesitate to rush over to them. I wanted to cower behind my two best friends, but they only looked at me confused as I wanted oh so badly to stuff myself inside of a locker.

"Grayson get out of my locker," Spencer gasped at the scene, as I tried to squeeze myself into her rectangular locker, but I could only fit my foot in before I got stuck. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Lemuel's face scrunched up at me. "Yeah man, it isn't even noon yet, and you're already trying to cut yourself off from the rest of the world."

"I just wanna disappear from the world. Go somewhere where it's just me and my depression and we can live happily after." I blurted, my forehead slamming against the lockers as I groaned aloud.

"No. Don't do that." Lemuel cooed, placing his palm in between my forehead and the locker as a cushion while I continued to hit my head against the locker repeatedly.

"What happened," Spencer asked concerned. "Does it have something to do with Elena?"

"Yes." I mumbled.

"I thought you two were supposed finally have sex last night?" Lemuel brows cocked upwards at me, before quickly falling flat as he sighed. "How bad did you fuck up this time?"

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