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Chapter Ten | School Spirit

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Chapter Ten | School Spirit

Principal Saunders forcing me to join the homecoming committee as a form of punishment is honestly the stupidest thing ever. I know I didn't have much of a choice to join unless I wanted to get expelled and as tempting as the offer of never going to school again sounded, I knew I couldn't take it and now I'm forced to stat after school every Tuesday and Thursday to help plan this stupid homecoming event with people I don't even like.

Ever since the meeting where I met Elena and the rest of the homecoming committee they've been nothing but annoying. Always talking, smiling and laughing about any little thing. I don't how much more I can take before I throw myself into a fire.

I was the last to arrive to the classroom where we met after school. I was hit with the smell of paint and cardboard as I made my way over to the tables set up on the side of the room and looked at all the banners, posters, and other various decorations-in-progress laid out over them. It was an organised mess. Sequins and beads on the table to the left. Posters on the table in the middle, and photographs on the table to the right.

I turned. In the middle of the room, there were painted pieces of cardboard clipped to what seemed to be a makeshift washing line made out of string and two ladders. Approaching the paintings, my lips upturned into a scowl. I hated the stripes of white and blue that were a common theme amongst the artwork, which wasn't very surprising.


I unclipped one of the dry pieces off of the line and inspected it closely. It was the only piece that had any writing on it. The word 'Panthers' was scrawled, bright yellow, in a graffiti-like manner in the centre of the white and blue stripes.

It took me a while to realize that's our school mascot and not someone actual name.

"Aries, you're finally here." Elena's faint voice started off from behind me. I turned around to see the girls clothes marked in paint of different colors. However, she didn't seem to care as she sent me a wide smile, the white paint on her cheek raising up as she stretched her lips.

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