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Chapter Fourteen | Peaches And Cream

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Chapter Fourteen | Peaches And Cream

"You want me to teach you to do what?" Aries repeated, his voice higher than normal causing a few people to stare. I shushed him as he continued to laugh aloud, practically out of breath.

"I needed this laugh. Thank you Grayson." Wiping the imaginary tears from the corner of his eyes, Aries leaned against the row of lockers trying to calm himself down.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm serious."

"I know and that's the funny part." Aries shook his head at me, steady chuckling to himself. "What made me you want to ask that?"

"Well," I began, my hands rubbing against the back of neck in a sheepish manner. "Last night Elena came over, and we were chilling on my bed and I had her phone in my hand. I was going through it and I seen her and her friends talking in their group chat about head, and they seemed to be giving her a hard time when she told them I've never went down on her."

Not going to lie, it kind hurt seeing how Elena friends were on her case for never having someone go down on her. When I was going through her phone I wasn't going through it because I felt she was cheating on me or anything — Elena would never do that. I was just curious and my curiosity took over, however I wasn't expecting to see that.

"Have you not learned to never go through people's phone unless you want to get your feelings hurt?" Aries said, placing a hand on my shoulder, before quickly removing it and placing it on his hip.

"It's a weird request but I'll help you."

I smiled at him. "Thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed before embracing himself into a tight hug. His warm slender frame pressed against mine. I must've underestimated Aries weight because before I knew it, his feet were off the ground as I spun him around like a rag doll.

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