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Chapter Four | Ticking Down

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Chapter Four | Ticking Down

"Is there ever going to be a day where we don't see that cocky, little grin of yours?" Cayden, a teammate of mine asked as he playfully jabbed his finger into my chest.

"Um. Probably not." I stated honestly. It was that time of the year again. The time of the year that I always looked forward to. This was the time when I could show that I'm not just brains off the court, but on the court as well. Edgewater basketball season is always phenomenal. My outstanding performance sophomore year landed me the title as Co captain of the team, which made me very proud, and honestly even more cocky, because I was the only sophomore to ever have gotten that title and managed to keep it all the way to senior year.

"I'm just excited for the game next Friday. You do remember who we're playing, right?" Cayden asked as we walked towards the water fountain.

"Well, obviously. Northview High is like... one of our biggest rival, Cayden. How could I forget?" I spoke.

"Yeah, and they're going to feel like shit once we beat their asses just like we did last year." Cayden chuckled a little. "It's the first game of the season so I know it's going to be packed."

I nodded in agreement, taking a quick sip of water before I made my way back to the court. After school practice was almost over and I oddly felt more energized than ever.

I stood by the middle of the court, moving my arms side to side as I stretched them. I surveyed the court as I licked my lips in anticipation, a small grin on my face.

Cayden, had noticed the slight grin and smirked a little. "This is going to be a good season. I feel it."

I glanced over to him stretching next to me. Then I looked over to the other side of the court where the rest of them team were warming up, practicing their shots. My eyes scanned over my teammates on the other side of the gym, searching for one player in particular. Once my eyes caught the guy who I was looking for, my grin widened, almost into a predatory gaze.

Armon Dixon. Ever since we first met in recreation basketball, Armon has always been at my neck. It's like one of the seven wonders of the world as to why Armon Dixon felt the need to try and outdo me in everything. Weather it was basketball or academics, Armon was always trying to one up me. I mean there's no denying the guys skills, he's good — really good actually, and one would think with the title of captain to both our names he'd be more easy on me but no. It seemed as if that only worsen the block head.

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